We can't connect to HMRC This could be because you recently: signed up for a Making Tax Digital account with HMRC submitted a VAT return to HMRC None of the above is relevant and I get no answers when I try to contact HMRC. Please help! Thank you in adva...
We have recently been testing a pattern with the navigation below the black header similar to HMRC's personal tax account header and have found this to be much more successful with our users. Although this does seem to be presenting us with some challenges for implementation for a mobile with...
@roblavhttps://github.com/roblavto build the pattern into the design pattern's prototypehttps://github.com/hmrc/design-patterns @fred-jacksonhttps://github.com/fred-jacksonto review content for the pattern and suggest content variations that meet the needs of HMRC services @gavinwyehttps://gi...
torydunn-hmrc commented Oct 11, 2018 via email • edited Hi Oliver Thanks for the examples. Yes that's what I mean. We certainly try to avoid long text and options, but there can be some complicated distinctions in tax options that make things wrap. Looking at the design system again...