Time to ignore the four horsemen of the apocalypse relentlessly knocking on our door and make an ordered list of banal musical charlatans trying to churn out the next viral TikTok hit. Have I mentioned I love music with all my heart? I do....
Wooden Stick Crafted Big Stone Axe Head• Bundle Of Rag Stripes• Bundle_Of_Rags• Bundle Of Wooden Planks• Bundle Of Wooden Sticks• Improvised Rope• Metal Arrow Tips• Small Bundle Of Wooden Sticks• Small Stone Axe Head• ...
Circle 8: Fraud: There are numerous fraud allusions, including Sadie faking she has a gun to have Vergil turned back on, and the Public Service Announcer who lies to give hope. Circle 9: Treason: Kinsler returns for the third time, tricking Sadie in joining him by threatening her father....
one of which is that I have 3 or 4 books still “in progress” because they are work/career books that I’ve been reading in bits when I am motivated. Another reason is TikTok. Too many nights, rather than reading