The logarithm (log) operation in mathematics is the inverse to exponentiation, meaning that the log of a number is the exponent to which another fixed number called a "base" was raised to produce the number. For example log232 = 5, since 25 = 32. This is an example of a simple logari...
algebra simplifying fractions online free multiplying rational expressions solver how to solve a regular fraction divided by a mixed number? Using calculators to find probability in Elementary school fractions to decimals calculator convert mixed fraction to decimal calculator prealgerbra online ...
In my honest personal opinion, these rigid hierarchical models have become self-reinforcing and damaging for universities now, as well as Australian society, in the long term. Our continued deference to these rigid models manifests in a lack of innovation and creativity, slow decision-making, redu...
By means of pseudo-order relation, the present article deals with the new notions of convex functions which are known as left and right log- s -convex interval-valued functions (IVFs) in the second sense. The main motivation of this study is to present new inequalities for left and right...
but a quick check shows that it works on lots of other porn sites, lots of dating sites, lots of online forums about sensitive topics, sites for companies devoted to web security, and, in general, just about every site I checked. (Sometimes, you have to use the “Forgot your username”...
1/i/adsct [x2]Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. Maximum Storage Duration: SessionType: Pixel Tracker i/adsct [x2]The cookie is used by in order to determine the number of vi...
I am blessed with an analytical mind and have a considerable grounding in logic, as I read my way through the first book of Russell and Whitehead's 'Principia Mathematica' when I was 15-16, some fifty years ago. I have always applied this logic to my exploration of the various idea ...
We have introduced a new model of dipole antenna with two separated and shifted branches. In order to evaluate the electromagnetic characteristics of this antenna, the Induced ElectroMagnetic Field method has been used and the complex integrals have been calculated numerically by Mathematicaâ¢...
This contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience. Maximum Storage Duration: PersistentType: HTML Local Storage hjViewportIdSaves the user's screen size in order to adjust the size of images on the website...