LCS,也就是Live Communications Server,简单地说,就是一个企业内部的MSN。 微软原来推两套IM工具—外部的MSN和内部的Windows Messenger。Windows...Date: 01/27/2006一个SPS2003应用的例子SPS2003中的个人网站是可以被备份和恢复的。这样在我们把个人网站恢复到其他服务器上以后,文档等数据不会丢失。...Date: 10...
This article explains how to log events to Customer Application Insights from Commerce runtime (CRT) and POS extensions.Log an event to Application InsightsSet up Application Insights in the Microsoft Azure portal, and generate the instrumentation key. Extend CRT to log events to Application Insights...
Reduced the area surrounding the entrance's portal Invasion III Removed the change introduced in patch 2.1 causing the boss to rarely gain avoid when hit Increased the number of Rift Storms in the area The Void Soul of Gluttony: reduced regeneration in the middle of the zone ...
Fixed chance to hit in LCS using monstats level (which is no longer used) instead of area level Fixed the "drop item on ground" string appearing on equipped items All NPCs have received mandatory first aid training and can now heal you 2.2.7 Fixed relics being sellable Fixed a crash that...