Social sign-in for multiple platforms (GitHub, Google, WeChat, Alipay, etc.). Dynamic passcode sign-in (via SMS or email).💻 Fully open-sourced, while no identity knowledge is required to useSuper easy tryout (less than 1 min via GitPod, not joking), step-by-step tutorials and decen...
Describe the bug It is not possible to log in to Github actions. Even if I try to with the refresh button, it won't work. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Open Github Actions extension Click on log in Afterwards it will show...
Using Xterm as terminal for PowerShell on LinuxYou could have not missed the information that we open sourced PowerShell and that it is available...Date: 08/22/2016Using Wunderlist Module in Azure Automation–Part 2In the first part of this blog post series about using Using Wunderlist ...
Si auto est spécifié, alors si la sortie va à un terminal, les noms de référence sont affichés comme si short ont été donné, sinon aucun nom de référence n’est affiché. L’option --decorate est l’abréviation de --decorate=short. La valeur par défaut est la valeur de ...
To see details of the options available for this command in an earlier release, run the command with the--helpoption in your terminal. Synopsis Shell codeql generate log-summary <options>... -- <result> Description [Advanced] Create a summary of a structured log file. This command...
It's simple. Just type in: git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit I guess that's a bit too long, eh? Let's just make an alias. Copy and paste the line below on your terminal: ...
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are ...
Table_map:`fatp`.`t_dw_conf_pipeline_template` mapped to number 244table_map事件,携带了database,table名称,并且设置了一个map值为244,后续操作直接用244,不用database,table参数。 Write_rows:table id 244:写入一行,在244表。并不是只有这个一个Flag表示写入一条数据,不同的版本有不同的Flag,详见附录...
secrets Events related to secrets. serverlessRealTimeInference Events related to model serving. sqlPermissions Events related to the legacy Hive metastore table access control. ssh Events related to SSH access. vectorSearch Events related to Vector Search. webTerminal Events related to the web terminal...
head to for sample code! JEB 4.25 (January 17, 2023) - dexdex: ir: important upgrades to the control-flow unflattener - dexdex: ir: added new optimizers, upgraded others - dexdex: ir: master optimizer: ...