Klientappen använder i stället en token eller kod för att autentisera eller komma åt en resurs åt en användare. Icke-interaktiva inloggningar används ofta för att en klient ska logga in för en användares räkning i en process som är transparent för använ...
ramondeklein/minioPublic forked fromminio/minio NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 Files refs/heads/log-checksum-error .github buildscripts cmd dockerscripts docs helm-releases helm internal .dockerignore ...
asn1.js@^5.2.0: version "5.4.1" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/asn1.js/-/asn1.js-5.4.1.tgz#11a980b84ebb91781ce35b0fdc2ee294e3783f07" integrity sha512-+I//4cYPccV8LdmBLiX8CYvf9Sp3vQsrqu2QNXRcrbiWvcx/UdlFiqUJJzxRQxgsZmvhXhn4cSKeSmoFjVdupA== ...
s-ong-c/songc-blog-projectPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star1 Issues Breadcrumbs songc-blog-project /blog-backend / yarn-error.log Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. ...
Sending log events to multiple outputs using copying; Using stdout, files, and slack plugins; Consuming log events, and the application of the copy mechanism; Routing log events using tags and labels; Handling of errors in Fluentd; Copying log events so
AppliedEventListeners dinamis Informasi terperinci tentang pendengar, seperti Azure Logic Apps dan Azure Functions, yang dipicu oleh peristiwa terkait dalam peristiwa masuk. AuthenticationContextClassReferences string Berisi kumpulan nilai yang mewakili konteks autentikasi akses bersyarat yang diterapkan pada...
SyntaxError: C:\Users\zdd\Desktop\program\electron_service\package.json: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 211 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at C:\Users\zdd\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\lib\cli.js:1629:59 at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at step (C:\Users\zdd\AppData...
2.2. State-of-the-Art Research in Illegal Logging During this research, forest monitoring from illegal logging was conducted by taking imagery data through a satellite using various algorithms. The image from a bare forest can provide information that trees in the forest have been cut down [31,...
This phase inversion ensures that the antenna always radiates as an end-fire dipole antenna array [16]. Contrary to Yagi-Uda antennas, where there is only one dipole that is active and all the other dipoles are passive, all the dipoles in an LPDA are fed by the conducting booms ...
parse-asn1 "^5.0.0"browserify-zlib@^0.2.0: version "0.2.0" resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/browserify-zlib/-/browserify-zlib-0.2.0.tgz#2869459d9aa3be245fe8fe2ca1f46e2e7f54d73f" integrity sha512-Z942RysHXmJrhqk88FmKBVq/v5tqmSkDz7p54G/MGyjMnCFFnC79XWNbg+Vta8W6Wb2qt...