这组合集包含了50个登录和注销实体图标,有不同的格式:AI、CSH、SVG、PNG、Webfont、Sketch和Iconjar。 所有的图标都是分层的,可重新调整大小,改变颜色或厚度。是用于设计你的数字项目的理想元素。
1. Correct case on Mode_x.png icons to prevent file not found on user settings dialog. 2. Update of video export vendor function from cleanflight/master; many thanks to@thenickdude. This is for users experiencing difficulties (linux?) generating video exports. Issue#30. 3. Added filename...
While trying to connect to your FTP server hosted by IIS, you may run into “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible” error. This error occurs whether you are using anonymous access or basic authentication. A sample connection log from an FTP client: 530 User cannot log in, h...
Separately, Tee-Object is not technically positioned correctly. The idea behind Tee-Object is that it splits one input channel into two destinations: a file and then the standard pipeline. Pipeline redirection is not required in this scenario. With that in mind, simply: Constr...
usr/logd/www/icons/back.gif usr/logd/www/icons/blank.gif usr/logd/www/icons/compressed.gif usr/logd/www/icons/folder.gif usr/logd/www/icons/parent.gif usr/logd/www/icons/space.gif usr/logd/www/icons/text.gif usr/logd/www/img/ usr/logd/www/img/homepage.png usr/logd/www/img...
IconsfromLucide. Maintenance Status Active:Nearform_Commerce is actively supporting this open source project, and we expect to continue collaborating on it for the foreseeable future. Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are greatly appreciated and welcome....
Desktop Icons Position Registry Desktop loads but nothing will open. All programs hang as does trying to restart. device manager resources by connection memory interpretation Device Registration - Azure AD Join option missing in Win10?? DeviceGuard GPO CSE Error because of missing registry value Devi...
- Add icons for system tray menu. - Fix bug: The [Background mode] in system tray menu didn't work when frame interpolation is enabled. - Fix bug: Video cache will be abandoned when frame interpolation setting is changed, even though [Process video by segment] is disabled. - Fix bug:...
Disabled command prompt access in GPO but can still run command in search Disabling "Automatically donwnload manufacturer's app and custom icons available for your devices" not working, Disabling F1-F12 keys on Windows 10 Disabling Fullscreen Force Notifications On Windows 10 that are controlled by...
"@ant-design/icons-svg" "^4.2.1" "@babel/runtime" "^7.11.2" classnames "^2.2.6" rc-util "^5.9.4" "@ant-design/react-slick@~0.28.1": version "0.28.4" resolved "https://registry.nlark.com/@ant-design/react-slick/download/@ant-design/react-slick-0.28.4.tgz#8b296b87...