logrotate是Linux系统中的一个日志文件管理工具,它用于自动轮转(log rotation)日志文件,以便控制日志文件的大小和保留时长,同时还可以对旧日志文件进行压缩和删除。 logrotate的作用主要有以下几个方面: 控制日志文件大小:日志文件会随着时间的推移不断增长,如果不进行管理,可能会占用过多的磁盘空间。logrotate通过定期轮转...
实际运行时,Logrotate会调用配置文件/etc/logrotate.conf: $ cat /etc/logrotate.conf# see "man logrotate" for details# rotate log files weeklyweekly# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogsrotate 4# create new (empty) log files after rotating old onescreate# use date as a suffix of the rotated filed...
一般情况下,无需手动旋转日志文件。Linux 系统会每隔一天(或间隔更长的时间)或根据日志文件的大小自动进行一次日志滚动。如果你需要滚动日志以释放存储空间,又或者将某一部分日志从当前的活动中分割出来,这很容易做到,具体要取决于文件滚动规则 2. 日志滚动过程 日志滚动的过程是这样的:在一组日志文件之中,编号最大...
linux-c-log-rotation-scheme #include<sys/types.h>#include<sys/stat.h>#include<unistd.h>voidlogworker(){ino_tinode =0; FILE *logfile; logfile = fopen(logfilename,"a+");while(running) {structstatmystat;if(stat(logfilename, &mystat)!=0|| mystat.st_ino != inode) { logfile = freop...
https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/system_administrators_guide/s1-basic_configuration_of_rsyslog#s2-log_rotation 参考:Gitlab 源码 https://github.com/logrotate/logrotate 23.2.5. Log Rotation The following is a sample/etc/logrotate.confconfiguration file: ...
the more it gets bigger. Rotated files are log files that have zeroes added at the end. That indicates that the system has automatically modified the names of the log file in Linux. Log rotation is used to compact unused logs that are taking up space. Thelogrotatecommand can be used to...
Then inside the opening and closing braces you have the options for log rotation for this daemon’s files. In the above case you have monthly rotation configured. Options for logrotate Some of the options that you can include in the logrotate.conf file or the individual daemon’s log rotation...
1、理解 linux inode http://hi.baidu.com/leejun_2005/item/7893859e427ec9d91f427182 2、Nginx wiki:Log Rotation http://wiki.nginx.org/LogRotation 3、How To Configure Logging and Log Rotation in Nginx on anUbuntuVPS https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-configure-logging-and...
Log Rotation with --logRotate reopen Log rotation with --logRotate reopen closes and opens the log file following the typical Linux/Unix log rotate behavior. 1 Start a mongod instance, specifying the reopen --logRotate behavior. mongod -v --logpath /var/log/mongodb/server1.log --logRotate...
Logtail collects logs in the following process: monitors log files, reads log files, processes logs, filters logs, aggregates logs, and sends logs. For more information, seeLog collection process of Logtail. Does Logtail support log file rotation?