电脑每次开机显示Error :Unhandled Exception 、Log file path must be defined,如图 出现这种情况如何解决。 1、进入C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Oracle\MySQL Notifier中,将settings.config、connections.xml文件删除掉,如图 2、关闭Error窗口,重启电脑,检查是否还显示。 3、重启之后没有再次显示,OK。
On booting my Win 7 Pro system, I get this error message: "Unhandled Exception: Log file path must be defined before calling WriteToLog method". I think this happened when, trying to fix a system problem (that has nothing to do with MySQL) I did a system reset that rolled the system...
The Close method closes the log file so that it can be used by other processes.Enabling OutputYou must enable tracing or debugging to use a trace listener. The following syntax is compiler specific. If you use compilers other than C# or Visual Basic, refer to the documentation for your ...
You must define one or more paths on the agent where it can locate the custom log. You can either provide a specific path and name for the log file or you can specify a path with a wildcard for the name. This step supports applications that create a new file each day or when one ...
--user-defined-log-fields-configuration配置选项既支持XML语法也支持JSON语法,当选项值包含file://前缀时,表示从文件中读取配置。 XML语法: <HeaderSet> string ... </HeaderSet> <ParamSet> <parameter>string</parameter> ... </ParamSet> JSON语法: { "HeaderSet": { "header": ["string", ...] ...
The source must be configured either for writing localized entries or for writing direct strings. The WriteEntry method writes the given string directly to the event log; it does not use a localizable message resource file. Use the WriteEvent method to write events using a localized message reso...
If your application writes string values directly to the event log, you do not have to set the resource file properties for the source. The source must be configured either for writing localized entries or for writing direct strings. If your application writes entries using both resource identif...
install-strip --- CONFIGURATION --- A configuration file should be installed. Its default location is /etc/metalog.conf (unless you tweaked --with-sysconfdir) . You can find a sample file in this directory, but it's certainly not perfect for your system and your needs. So read on. A...
For more information, it may be useful to turn debugging on for SLAPI_DEBUG_PLUGIN. Change the configuration information as required and restart the server. 4119: No password storage scheme plug-ins defined in the configuration. Cause: No encoding scheme was found in the configuration file. ...
Authentication is based on a password entered by the user and authentication data stored in a protected file. A user must log in to a host before he can access any named objects on that host. Some services, such as using ssh to obtain a shell prompt on another host, or using ftp to ...