Log-binomial 回归模型是广义线性模型的一种特殊类型,由于它很容易得到某一因素率比( rate ratio, RR) 的最大似然估计值。 Log-binomial 回归这种方法,与 Poisson 回归相比,对回归系数的估计,在一定场合下,标准误更小,因此也值得推荐。 logbinomial...
我的问题是既然log-binomial regression 是logistic regression的替代,而它又经常fail to converge, 必须转为泊松回归;而glm本来就可以得到logistic 回归一样的结果,那么这个log-binomial model 岂不是很尴尬😅是不是干脆就不用它了。老师在这个点上分析的不多 全部评论(1) 一土 The log-binomial model is simply...
内容提示: ·768·米网络直报米疾病监测2017年9月30日第32卷第9期DISEASE SURVEILLANCE,September 30,2017,V01.32,No.9应用log.binomial回归和logistic回归分析法定传染病报告质量影响因素付志智,邓革红,蔡富文,宫晨,韩姗珊,周健宇,许意清摘要: 目的探讨广西壮族自治区(广西)医疗机构法定传染病报告质量影响因素,并...
非条件 Logistic 回归模型的分析方法与 SAS应用 热度: 摘要OR值更接近于设定的RR值。Log.binomial模型和Poisson回归模型在三种情况下估计值均与设定值相同。与对照组发病率等于5%时比较,这三种回归方法估计RR置信区间的精度均下降。3当RR=1时,对照组发病率极低时,三种模型参数估计的置信区间跨度较大,如n=500,O....
lbreg包的中文名称:Log-Binomial回归与约束优化说明书 Package‘lbreg’October13,2022 Type Package Title Log-Binomial Regression with Constrained Optimization Description Maximum likelihood estimation of log-binomial regression with special functional-ity when the MLE is on the boundary of the parameter ...
SAS软件中Logistic、Log-binomial与稳健Poisson回归模型的比较.pdf,摘要 下估计值均与设定值相同。与对照组发病率等于5%时比较,这三种回归方法估 计RR置信区间的精度均下降。 3当RR=1时,对照组发病率极低时,三种模型参数估计的置信区间跨度较 高,三种模型的参数估计的
摘要 Objective To identify the factors influencing the performance of notifiable communicable diseases reporting in medical institutions in Guangxi and compare the differences in correlation strength estimated by logistic regression model and log-binomial regression model.Methods The field survey was conducted...
Logistic regression alternativesMaximum likelihood estimatesMethod of maximum likelihoodnon-convergenceRelative riskBackground Relative risk is a summary metric that is commonly used in epidemiological investigations. Increasingly, epidemiologists are using log-binomial models to study the impact of a set of ...
Monte Carlo error in the Bayesian estimation of risk ratios using log-binomial regression models: an efficient MCMC method In cohort studies binary outcomes are very often analyzed by logistic regression. However, it is well-known that when the goal is to estimate a risk ratio,... D Salmerón...
Logistic regression alternativesPublicBackground Relative risk is a summary metric that is commonly used in epidemiological investigations. Increasingly, epidemiologists are using log-binomial models to study the impact of a set of predictor variables on a single binary outcome, as they naturally offer ...