id/resourcegroups/<リソース グループ>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<ワークスペース>/y=<4 桁の数値年>/m=<2 桁の数値月>/d=<2 桁の数値日>/h=<2 桁の 24 時制の時間>/m=<2 桁の 60 分制の分>/PT05M.json というパス構造の 5 分フォルダーに格納されます...
LemonGraph is a log-based transactional graph (nodes/edges/properties) database engine that is backed by a single file. The primary use case is to support streaming seed set expansion - something along the lines of:Create new graph In client code, initialize log position bookmark: pos = 0...
MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs MicrosoftHealthcareApisAuditLogs MicrosoftPurviewInformationProtection MNFDeviceUpdates MNFSystemSessionHistoryUpdates MNFSystemStateMessageUpdates NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs NCBMSecurityLogs NCBMSystemLogs NCCKubernetesLogs ...
$ git log A B --not $(git merge-base --all A B) $ git log A...B La commande prend les options applicables à la commande git-rev-list[1] pour contrôler ce qui est montré et comment, et les options applicables aux commandes git-diff[1] pour contrôler la façon dont le...
To customize this column to your needs, we want to invite you to submit your ideas about topics that interest you and issues that you want to see addressed in future Knowledge Base articles and Support Voice columns. You can submit your ideas and feedback using the Ask For It form. There...
[alias] lg1 = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all lg2 = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format...
Show 5 more Azure HDInsight is an enterprise-ready, managed-cluster service. This service runs open-source analytics frameworks like Apache Spark, Hadoop, HBase, and Kafka on Azure. Azure HDInsight has integrated with other Azure services to enable customers to better manage their big data ana...
instanceKlass com/google/common/base/Preconditions instanceKlass com/google/common/collect/CollectPreconditions instanceKlass com/google/common/collect/ImmutableCollection$Builder instanceKlass com/google/inject/internal/Errors instanceKlass java/util/logging/LogManager$5 instanceKlass sun/reflect/UnsafeFie...
PDAC single-cell RNAseq data were obtained from the Genome Sequence Archive database under the accession code CRP00065329. A total of 57,530 cells from 35 pancreas samples (11 normal pancreas and 24 PDAC samples) were previously classified into ten cell types. For auxiliary data, we selected...
• Import the original FitNotes database and FitNotes CSV files • Manual and automatic backups to iCloud • Export your workouts in a CSV • Export back to the original FitNotes. No lock-in. • No account required You can import CSVs from other fitness and workout log apps to...