[660] FB base = 0x5fea0000, FB size = 1179648 [660] fb_va: 0x5fea0000, fb_pa: 0x5fea0000, fb_pa_k: 0x5fea0000 [660] [DISP]func|primary_display_init [LK_ENV]get_env DFO [660] [DISP]env buffer = <null> [660] [DISP]env buffer = NULL [660] [DISP]LCM_FAKE_...
Knowledge Base Record (KnowledgeBaseRecord) Knowledge Configuration (msdyn_knowledgeconfiguration) Knowledge Federated Article (msdyn_federatedarticle) Knowledge Federated Article Incident (msdyn_federatedarticleincident) Knowledge Harvest Job Record (msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord) Knowledge Interaction Insight ...
同时,我们可以通过binlog_cache_use 以及 binlog_cache_disk_use来分析设置的binlog_cache_size是否足够,是否有大量的binlog_cache由于内存大小不够而使用临时文件(binlog_cache_disk_use)来缓存了。 binlog_stmt_cache_size= 32768 #当非事务语句使用二进制日志缓存,但是超出binlog_stmt_cache_size时,使用一个...
| binlog.000004 | 4 | Format_desc | 1 | 107 | Server ver: 5.5.39-log, Binlog ver: 4 | | binlog.000004 | 107 | Query | 1 | 194 | create database tempdb | | binlog.000004 | 194 | Query | 1 | 304 | use `tempdb`; create table tb1(id smallint,val varchar(10)) | |...
Description: This option allows you to configure a replica to rewrite database names. It uses the format primary_database->replica_database. If a replica encounters a binary log event in which the default database (i.e. the one selected by the USE statement) is primary_database, then ...
Database changed (root@localhost) [binlogTest]>createtablet1(idint); Query OK,0rowsaffected (0.02sec) (root@localhost) [binlogTest]>showbinlog eventsin'mysql-bin.000012';+---+---+---+---+---+---+|Log_name|Pos|Event_type|Server_id|End_log_pos|Info|+---+---+---...
basenam 错误日志的位置: 因为我的mysql服务是二进制安装的,我们指定了数据目录,错误日志会放在数据目录里面。 [root@localhostmysql]# ls auto.cnf ibdata1 mysql sanchuang ucar_cloud ca-key.pem ib_logfile0 mysql.sock server-cert.pem wangsh ca.pem ib_logfile1 mysql.sock.lock server-key.pem...
info-center logfile module module-name alarm-threshold usage
ldap-group-base-dn [ string ] no ldap-group-base-dn [ string ] 構文の説明 string サーバが検索を開始する Active Directory 階層内の位置を指定する、最大 128 文字のストリング。大文字と小文字は区別されます。たとえば、ou=Employees を指定します。文字列でスペースは使用できませんが...
Added a "Shorten packages" option in the view settings dialog of call tree and hot spot views Support profiling on JVMs that only contain the java.base module Improved CSV export: All numeric columns are exported as numbers and not as text, consistent display of units in the header row...