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03-19 11:55:34.620 1675 1710 I StreamController: registerScope: nowcards-15-2e2cfa0-b636 03-19 11:55:34.622 29798 29798 W resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/' is compressed. ...
还是说系统太低没有logbase ? 分享63 fx-es(ms)吧 fx2422esplus 一种迹象表明计算器内部计算采用的可能是十进制而不是二进制进TABLE模式,算了下面3个式子:(均从1算到30,以1递增) 1 2^99 2 10^99 3 SHIFT+Log,里面打99 发现1式4.6秒,2式1.2秒,3式0.69秒. 分享15赞 wtof吧 星_尘 【日志】星尘...
D perform a redo log recovery using Recovery Manager (RMAN) E shut down the database and open the database in the NOARCHIVELOG mode 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [判断题] “#ont/traffic/omci/debug>show id”显示的log中vlan op usmodeASIS,表示...
编译情况如下hlcsg v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxs 分享9赞 ubuntu吧 sqreb 求教大神,关于无法载入程辑包‘rJava’的问题小渣刚学R,系统Ubuntu 14.04.2 R版本 r-base-core 3.0.2-1ubuntu1 > library(...
One of the redo log members in your database is lost. You queried V$logfile for further details. What would be the member’s status?() ALOST BINVALID CEXPIRED DDELETED ECORRUPT FUNKNOWN GOBSOLETE 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目...