log_base_2 = log2(num); printf("以2为底的对数 %lf 的结果是: %lf ", num, log_base_2); return 0; } 在这个示例中,我们分别使用了log10和log2函数来计算以10为底和以2为底的对数,这两个函数同样位于<math.h>头文件中。 C语言中的log函数用于计算一个数的自然对数(以数学常数e为底),可以...
C++ cmathlog10()function ❮ Math Functions Example Return the base 10 logarithm of different numbers: cout<<log10(120.0f);cout<<log10(10.0f);cout<<log10(3.1623);cout<<log10(1.0);cout<<log10(0.0f);cout<<log10(-1.0f); Try it Yourself » ...
C语言中直接提供的是e为底的自然对数log,和以10为底的常用对数log10,其他对数写个函内数就可以。 #include stdio.h #include math.h double loga(double n, double base); int main (void) { double a, b, c; a = log(exp(1)); b = log10(10); c = loga(100, 5); printf("%lf %lf %...
PositiveThe logarithm (base 10) ofz Zero- INF NegativeNaN NaNNaN + INF+ INF Remarks Because C++ allows overloading, you can call overloads ofclog10that take and return_Fcomplexand_Lcomplexvalues. In a C program,clog10always takes and returns a_Dcomplexvalue. ...
VPNBASE/6/CONFIRM_N:A user input "No" to reject the operation. Description When an operation needed to be confirmed, a user entered N to cancel the operation. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning None None Possible Causes During VPN instance deletion, the user entered N to cancel the op...
VPNBASE/6/CONFIRM_N:A user input "No" to reject the operation. Description When an operation needed to be confirmed, a user entered N to cancel the operation. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning None None Possible Causes During VPN instance deletion, the user entered N to cancel the op...
简介:嵌入式linux下的c语言日志log模块,功能增强(二) 日志是应用的镜子,可以发现应用中的问题,重要性不言而喻。 打造一智能日志模块,让运维朝着自动化方向大步迈进。提高效率,降低成本,这也是一种创造利润的途径。 如今网络越来越方便,这个日志组件除了常规的记录日志外,可以对日志分等级显示不同的颜色,支持按日期...
ConfigRegBase 指定多功能设备此函数配置寄存器的属性偏移量。 ConfigOptions 指定8 位 PCMCIA 配置选项寄存器。 IoResourceIndex 指定IOConfig条目的索引,以供总线驱动器在编程配置 I/O 基本寄存器和限位寄存器时使用。 此索引从 0 开始,即 0 表示此log-config-section中的初始IOConfig条目。
@implementationORTestReplaceClass- (int)otherMethod{return10; } - (int)test{return[selfotherMethod]; }@end 支持分类写法 @implementationDemo- (instancetype)initWithBaseUrl:(NSURL*)baseUrl{ } - (NSString*)method2:(void(^)(NSString*name))callback{ }@end@implementationDemo(Category) - (NSStr...
s File base name and line num log_test.cc:48 g File path and line num /home/raomeng/fmtlog/log_test.cc:48 t Thread id by default, can be reset by fmt::setThreadName() main a Weekday Mon b Month name May Y Year 2021 C Short year 21 m Month 05 d Day 03 H Hour 16 M Mi...