View health and set up health status alerts for log search alert rules Add a new resource health alert Next steps Azure Service Healthmonitors the health of your cloud resources, including log search alert rules. When a log search alert rule is healthy, the rule runs and the query executes...
Every log search alert has an associated search rule with the following composition:Log query: Query that runs every time the alert rule fires. Time period: Time range for the query. Frequency: How often the query should run. Threshold: Trigger point for an alert to be created....
Microsoft.Insights/alertRules/* Add, update, and remove alert rules. Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/* Add, update, and remove diagnostics settings on Azure resources. Microsoft.OperationalInsights/* Add, update, and remove configuration for Log Analytics workspaces. To edit workspace advanced sett...
Network monitor capture files The Windows registry ADS sources Generic text files The file systemOutput TypesComma- or tab-delimited files XML Datagrid GIF files using the Microsoft Office chart Web component Syslog W3C SQL (allowing the creation of new tables) A template format that allows you to...
log_shipping_monitor_alert log_shipping_monitor_error_detail log_shipping_monitor_history_detail log_shipping_monitor_primary log_shipping_monitor_secondary log_shipping_primary_databases log_shipping_primary_secondaries log_shipping_secondary log_shipping_secondary_databases SQL Server 代理表 复制表 Transact...
alert_job_id uniqueidentifier ログ配布アラート ジョブのSQL Server エージェント ジョブ ID。 参照 ログ配布について (SQL Server) sp_add_log_shipping_alert_job (Transact-SQL) sp_delete_log_shipping_alert_job (Transact-SQL) sp_help_log_shipping_alert_job (Transact-SQL) システム...
Dismiss alert Windows 7 Beta 1 Windows PowerShell 2.0 Windows Server 2008 Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 08/31/2016 By default, Windows 7 displays a Welcome screen when a computer is part of a homegroup or workgroup and it displays a...
Table 8. Intel® Management Engine firmware-owned sensors Sensor # 17h 18h 19h 1Ah 1Bh B2h Sensor Name Intel® ME Firmware Health Events Intel® Node Manager Exception Events Intel Node Manager Health Events Intel Node Manager Operational Capabilities Change Events Intel Node Manager Alert ...
Alert Threshold Exceeded Events Intel® Node Manager SmaRT/CLST Events Details Section 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Next Steps Section 13.1.1 Section 13.2.1 Section 13.3.1 Section 13.4.1 Section 13.5.1 Section 13.6.1 3.5 Microsoft* OS-Owned Events (GID = 0041h) The following table can ...
在用ELK建立起日志系统之后,我们发现应用日志监控这块除了ElastAlert之外,没有其他方案。我们初期使用ElastAlert来解决日志监控的问题, 但是随着配置的增加,管理成本,使用成本较高和,配置文件多了之后,稳定性方面也不能让我们满意,所以为了更好的易用性,稳定性,我们决定自己做一套简单的监控系统, 来解决日志监控的问题...