log(x)的定义是10 raised to the power of y equals x的逆运算,即10^log(x) = x。在转换e、ln和log之间时,存在以下常用的转换公式:1. e^x = y, 其中x是实数,则x = ln(y)。2. log_b(x) = y, 其中b是正数且不等于1,x是正数,则x = b^y。3. log(x) = log_e(x) ...
return !password.equals"123456"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } 也就是只有当密码是 123456 时密码脱敏策略才会生效。 属性为集合或者 如果某个属性是集合或者对象,则需要使用注解 @SensitiveEntry。 放在集合属性上且属性为普通对象 会遍历每一个属性...
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) Finalize() Allows the ReservationCollection to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector. FreeReservation(Int64) When overridden in a derived class, releases a re...
clone equals finalize getClass hashCode notify notifyAll toString wait wait wait Constructor Details HttpLogOptions public HttpLogOptions() Creates a new instance that does not log any information about HTTP requests or responses.Method Details
e、ln和log是指数与对数函数中常用的三个数学常数和函数。1. e是一个数学常数,称为自然对数的底或欧拉常数,其近似值为2.71828。2. ln(x)是以e为底的对数函数,表示x的自然对数。ln(x)的定义是e raised to the power of y equals x的逆运算,即e^ln(x) = x。3. log(x)是以10为底...
equals(aClass.getName())) { continue Flag; } } buffer.append(name + "="); if (value instanceof String) { buffer.append(value + ","); } else { PropertyPreFilters filter = new PropertyPreFilters(); if (null != includeCollect) { List<String> list = includeCollect.get(name); ...
For example, GCD(16,12) equals 4. LCM Find the least common multiple of numbers 1 to 255. For example, LCM(4,5) equals 20. Platform Adding Dashboard Calculation Setting Added Parallel Computing Report Block, which is disabled by default. After enabling the function, the calculation efficienc...
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for...
This function item includes an argument, so query_digest returns a Boolean indicating whether the argument equals the current statement digest: "function": { "name": "query_digest", "args": "SELECT ?" } This function was added in MySQL 8.0.26. string_find(text, substr) Checks whether...
clone equals finalize getClass hashCode notify notifyAll toString wait wait wait Constructor Details LogSpecification public LogSpecification() Creates an instance of LogSpecification class.Method Details blobDuration public String blobDuration() Get the blobDuration property: The blobDuration property. ...