log2(1) = 0 See:log of one Logarithm of infinity The limit of the base b logarithm of x, when x approaches infinity, is equal to infinity: lim logb(x) = ∞,whenx→∞ See:log of infinity Logarithm of the base The base b logarithm of b is one: ...
Requests a checkpoint written for lsn greater or equal to provided one. More...static void log_request_checkpoint_in_next_file_low (log_t &log) Requests a checkpoint written in the next log file (not in the one, to which current log.last_checkpoint_lsn belongs to). More...static...
Disable binary log.This is useful,ifyou enabled--to-last-log and are sending the output to the same MySQL server.This way you could avoid an endless loop.You would also like to use it when restoring after a crash to avoid duplicationofthe statements you already have.NOTE:you will need a...
Header: “format” to “version” Version 0 and version 1 headers: “stringOffset” to “storageOffset” LangTagRecord: “offset” to “langTagOffset” NameRecord: “offset” to “stringOffset” Re-organized content to move tables of platform, encoding and language IDs to the end of the ch...
i didn't used --log-error option, so variable: log_error_dest should be equal to variable: disabled_my_option whick is '0' and cause variable: log_errors_to_file = false. But i checked variable: log_error_dest is still /var/log/mysql/error.log which is the default value of this...
If NTLM is not used in your organization, or should not be used by a specific account (New Logon\Security ID). In this case, monitor for all events where Authentication Package is NTLM. If the Authentication Package is NTLM. In this case, monitor for Key Length not equal to 128, becau...
Lockfile: # THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. # yarn lockfile v1 "@colors/colors@1.5.0": version "1.5.0" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/@colors/colors/-/colors-1.5.0.tgz#bb504579c1cae923e6576a4f5da43d25f97bdbd9" ...
output records are displayed in batches made up of a number of rows equal to the value specified for this parameter. Once a batch of rows has been displayed, it will prompt the user to press a key to display the next batch of rows. Specifying "-1" for this parameter disables batching ...
0: No history 1: DefaultWhen a log file reaches the maximum size, the client renames it as a backup and creates a new log file. Specify how many previous versions to keep. LogMaxSizeAny integer greater than or equal to 10,000, for example: ...
(end_lsn - log.buf_size), which has a loop with short sleeps. We assume that it is unlikely that the waiting is actually needed. TheMONITOR_LOG_ON_BUFFER_SPACE* counters track number of iterations spent in the waiting loop. If they are not nearby 0, DBA should try to increase the ...