Shop the latest edition of the iconic women's Puzzle bags collection in the official LOEWE online store. Precision crafted in the highest quality leathers.
💗#种草一款包#LOEWE PUZZLE 有趣又好看的it bag#Loewe 罗意威# 💋图片和信息均来源于罗意威官网,属于个人爱好分享,不含任何商业推广 💋网红It bag怎么少得了PUZZLE呢,颜色真是非常丰富,拼色也很有特色,几何拼接自带高级感一共有4个尺寸,MINI,SMALL,NORMAL和LARGE,整理出46款,真是要看花眼了 💋欢迎大家关...
【Loewe Puzzle Bag 拼图包尺寸】Loewe Puzzle bag提供五个尺寸不一的选择,从小到大依次为Nano、迷你、小号、中号及大号,满足你的不同需求。【Loewe Puzzle Bag 拼图包尺寸详解】Loewe Puzzle bag系列提供了五个尺寸各异的选择,尺寸从小到大依次为:Loewe Puzzle Nano:尺寸为25″ x 4″ x 25″,小巧玲珑,非...
Loewe Loewe Balloon Small Bag in Navy & Black $1,225 原价格: $2,450 FWRD Renew FWRD Renew Loewe Goya Puffer Bag in Clay Green $1,950 Loewe Loewe Standard A4 Tote Bag in Natural & Black $1,280 原价格: $1,600 FWRD Boutique FWRD Boutique Loewe Small Puzz...
Puzzle 包款是創意總監 Jonathan Anderson 在 LOEWE 第一個設計的作品,以長方體形狀和精準的裁切技術打造獨特的幾何線條。小型版本採用平滑小牛皮製成,配有編織手提把和繩結拉鍊頭。*可肩背、斜背或手提 *肩帶可拆卸調整,頂部手提把 *拉鍊開合,小牛皮拉鍊頭 *一個外部拉
FWRD Boutique FWRD Boutique Loewe XL Puzzle Fold Tote Bag in Brownie $2,566 FWRD Boutique Jil Sander VERTIGO HOBO MD $1,774 FWRD Boutique FWRD Boutique Loewe Buckle Horizontal Tote Bag in Khaki Green $2,310 FWRD Renew FWRD Renew Goyard Saint Louis PM Tote Bag in Black $2,400 Ga...
今年的圣诞礼物,我给自己选了个特别的——Loewe Puzzle Bag。其实,我最初的目标是Gucci的Marmont Shoulder Bag,但试背后发现它太女性化了,和我平时的休闲中性风格不太搭。于是,我转战Loewe Puzzle Bag,一试就爱上了!连Gucci的SA都夸我背Puzzle Bag好看,我也心动不已,最终决定入手。在...
🌟 Loewe Puzzle包包是我梦寐以求的Dream Bag之一,它不仅休闲实用,而且轻便耐用,皮质也非常好。很多人把光皮的tan色叫做焦糖色,实际上应该翻译为棕色,而荔枝皮才叫焦糖色,不过应该翻译为浅焦糖色。🔍 细节解析: 油边工艺:油边材料只占1%,而师傅的手工工艺占9%,因为手工上油边是一道非常技术含量的工序。 用料...
The first completely new bag designed by Jonathan Anderson has become a LOEWE icon. With its innovative cuboid shape, extreme tactility and maximum utility, volume is created through precise cutting so the Puzzle bag can be worn in five different ways, f