另外不建议用动物脂肪来做seasoning,因为会变质发臭。你愿意去买专门的cast iron seasoning oil,觉得不贵的话就去买,尽管我不建议花这个钱。 2018年十二月更新:注意flaxseed oil如果处理得不是非常好的话很容易导致最后的seasoning脱落,而且这个容错率很小,所以不建议用flaxseed oil,用菜籽油canola或者葡萄籽油大豆油就...
The factory seasoning process makes Lodge cast iron products ready to use right out of the box, and the product over time “Just keeps getting better”. After cooking, clean with a stiff nylon brush and hot water. Using soap is not recommended, and harsh detergents should never be used. ...
All About Seasoning Every piece of Lodge cast iron cookware comes seasoned and ready to use right out of the box. The easiest way to maintain this layer of seasoning is to use your cookware. Every time you cook an egg, grill a steak, or bake a pie, you're adding layers of baked-...
Lodge cast iron is seasoned and ready to use. Every piece of Lodge cast iron cookware comes seasoned and ready to use right out of the box. The easiest way to maintain this layer of seasoning is to use your cast iron pan. Whenever you cook an egg, grill a steak, or bake a pie, ...
[商品:Lodge L8DOL3 Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Dutch Oven with Dual Handles, 5-Quart] 这款dutch oven很对我的胃口,虽然在2夸脱和5夸脱的两款之间纠结了一下,因为小的可以放进烤箱,大的可以3口之家炖只小鸡,最后决定先搞一个大的试试.当时标价32刀,因为之前还充了50gift card送了10刀,最后美好的结算价...
关于Lodge Cast Iron Lodge 家族成立于 1896 年,一个多世纪以来一直致力于制造高品质的炊具和配件。 Lodge Cast Iron 在田纳西州南匹兹堡小镇的田纳西河畔经营着两家铸造厂; 小镇旅馆很自豪地称之为家。 该公司建立在家庭价值观、美国历史和高品质炊具的基础上。 所有 Lodge 经验丰富的铸铁和碳钢炊具均在美国制造...
下图是各种油的Iodine值(含碘量)供参考,来源在这里。含碘量比较高的更适合做油漆,更“干”,暴露在空气中氧化后会形成一层硬的油膜,所以也比较适合用来做seasoning。另外不建议用动物脂肪来做seasoning,因为会变质发臭。你愿意去买专门的cast iron seasoning oil,觉得不贵的话就去买,尽管我不建议花这个钱。
The Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron Double Dutch Oven functions as a dutch oven, skillet, and lid—all in one! Made with just iron and oil, the double dutch features a durable design and helpful dual handles, making it portable enough to use in the kitchen, on the grill, or around the campfi...
看介绍说,这锅在出厂前用植物油做过所谓的“预养”——Seasoning。因此表面有一层油膜附着。新铁锅视觉上看起来,光泽以及质感确实算是比较养眼的。实际操作效果,用后再议。 锅耳和锅体是一体烧铸成型的。内壁没有紧固用件,这点比较让人放心。但是把手处没有丝毫隔热。端起来一定会很烫。
Seasoning your pans enables you to cook great-tasting food with minimal oil, butter, or fat. It also provides a stick-resistant surface, allowing for easy clean up, and will keep your pans from rusting quickly. Check out this video to learn how to season cast iron and carbon stee...