locus standi 美 英 na.(公认的)正式地位;参加权 网络陈述权;没有法定地位;诉权 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. (公认的)正式地位;参加权;(可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权
locus standi [拉](公认的)正式地位参加权(可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权相关短语 duopoly (即市场某一商品由两家卖主垄断) 双头垄断 neosin (肌中的一种碱) 尼奥辛 stepping stone method (解答运输问题的一种方法) 踏脚石法 mingin (尿中的一种含氮物质) 明京 mirror principle (一种行为...
locus standi[拉](公认的)正式地位 参加权 (可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权 persona standi in judicio【法】 人的法律地位, 诉讼资格 persona standi in judicio of enemy【法】 敌侨的法律地位 critical locus临界线 deformation locus变形轨迹 ...
“Locus standi.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 18 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of locus standi to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of locus standi on Twitter Twitter Love...
230 TCE with respect to regional bodies,(5) the "political" call for a privileged action for annulment for regions withlegislative powers, and finally, (6) some conclusions and perspectives de legeferenda.Bruno Martín BaumeisterInstitut d'Estudis Autonòmicsrevista destudis autonòmics i federals...
locus standi+ 添加翻译 Sambahsa-英文字典 locus standi noun law Olivier Simon 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“locus standi"翻译成 英文 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 您可以尝试更宽松的搜索以获得一些结果。 打开 ...
Origin of locus standi1 from Latin: a place for standingDiscover More Example Sentences “Other countries including China have no locus standi to comment,” he said. From Seattle Times “Matters related to the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir are entirely the internal affairs of India. Other...
商标名称:LOCUS STANDI 2005-05-18 2014-09-06 注册号:G845952第41类申请日期:2005年05月18日 申请人名称(中文): ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO"LOCUS STANDI"查看他的所有商标 申请人地址(中文):OLIMPIYSKY PROSPECT,32 RU-129272 MOSCOW(RUSSIAN FEDERATION)...
In an application for judicial review the court first determines whether the applicant has focus standi to bring the case to the court. If the court finds that the applicant does not have locus standi, the court will dismiss the case as frivolous and vexations. It is important to make locu...
英文: However, this scenario gradually changed when the post-emergency Supreme Court tackled the problem of access to justice by people through radical changes and alterations made in the requirements of locus standi and of party aggrieved. 中文: 后来,当最高法院处理民众的诉讼问题,大幅更动适法性...