Origin of locus standi1 from Latin: a place for standingDiscover More Example Sentences “Other countries including China have no locus standi to comment,” he said. From Seattle Times “Matters related to the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir are entirely the internal affairs of India. Other...
locus standi音标['ləukəs'stændai]汉语翻译 【法】 出庭, 出庭资格, 发言权0 纠错为您推荐 view of locus in quospectral locusroot locus techniqueroot locus plotroot locus diagramroot locus analysisroot locusplanckian locuslocus sigillilocus ruberlocus regit actumlocus publicus ...
The meaning of LOCUS STANDI is a right to appear in a court or before any body on a given question : a right to be heard.
locus standi[拉](公认的)正式地位 参加权 (可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权 persona standi in judicio【法】 人的法律地位, 诉讼资格 persona standi in judicio of enemy【法】 敌侨的法律地位 critical locus临界线 deformation locus变形轨迹 ...
locus standi [拉](公认的)正式地位参加权(可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权相关短语 duopoly (即市场某一商品由两家卖主垄断) 双头垄断 neosin (肌中的一种碱) 尼奥辛 stepping stone method (解答运输问题的一种方法) 踏脚石法 mingin (尿中的一种含氮物质) 明京 mirror principle (一种行为...
locus standi 美 英 na.(公认的)正式地位;参加权 网络陈述权;没有法定地位;诉权 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. (公认的)正式地位;参加权;(可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权
英文 locus standi 中文 【法】 出庭, 出庭资格, 发言权最新查询: loculated empy loculation loculation syn loculi loculus locum locum tenens locus caeruleu locus contract locus criminis locus delicti locus in quo locus minoris locus niger locus perforat locus perforat locus publicus locus regit...
locus standi 是什么意思 中文翻译与英英解释 (公认的)正式地位;参加权;(可到法院[议会]中为某一问题争辩的)陈述权。 locus: n. (pl. loci ) 1.场所,地点,所在地。 ... 例句与用法 1. However , this scenario gradually changed when the post - emergency supreme court tackled the problem of ...
LOCUS STANDI AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IN NIGERIA: NEED FOR CLARITYOF APPROACH BY THE COURTSThe article examines the concept of locus standi, its application in Nigeria, the nuances of the court's approach arising from the importation of justiciability, the application of the sufficient interest ...
好工具>单词大全>locus standi> 单词大全 英语单词分类 轻松记单词 更新时间:2024-11-25 16:08:28 [拉](公认的)正式地位,参加权 临近词 locus