Locus of control: a tool for tailoring self-care in clinical practiceJamison, J R
A health-related Locus of Control Inventory developed in the mid-1970s was derived from social learning theory. This tool was a one-dimensional scale containing a series of statements of people's beliefs that their health was or was not determined by their own behavior. A further development ...
Related to locus of control:Internal locus of control,External locus of control lo·cus (lō′kəs)·ci(-sī′, -kē, -kī′) 1.A locality; a place. 2.A center or focus of great activity or intense concentration:"the cunning exploitation of loci of power; the insulation ...
When something goes wrong, it’s natural to cast blame on the perceived cause of the misfortune. Where an individual casts that blame can be related, in many cases, to a psychological construct known as “locus of control.”
An individual locus of control beliefs could predict his/her corresponding health behavior and health values as those who believe they have control over their own health will, place a high value on their health and are more likely to pursue health promoting behavior. Health locus of control as ...
The study focuses on the locus of control among college students and theextend to which the various dimensions of locus of control , namely Internal Control, External Control, and Powerful Others Control differ with regard to different demographic variables such as Gender and Course of study ( Und...
The screaming seems to be coming from down the concourse, on the animal lab side. They must’ve collected everyone in a smaller space to increase crowd control of the Space Pharm crew. That’s what I would do, at least. I pull back from the door and take a deep breath, something Bra...
The Internal-External Locus of Control Scale is a tool used to measure the internal-external locus of control traits in individuals. It was developed by American psychologist Julian Rotter in 1966. Rotter believed that the internal-external locus of control traits are generalized expectations and bel...
clicommand-linegiscommand-line-toolmbtileslocusosmand UpdatedAug 30, 2024 Python Short Sequence Rastreator allows genetic diversity analysis and preparation of input files for other softwares such as STRUCTURE, DARwin and SPAGeDi. diversityssrstructurednasequencemarkerlocusgeneticlocigenomicdiploidrosaceaeinput...
locus /ˈləʊkəs/ /ˈloʊ-/ /'lokəs/ the exact place where something happens or which is thought to be the centre of something(某事发生的)确切地点;(被视为某物的)中心,核心 the external locus of control外控点 Irregular: loci /ˈləʊsaɪ/ /ˈloʊ-/ /'losa...