欢迎心理咨询师朋友加入 心理咨询师之家QQ群798375518 Mental Health Locus Of Control Scale (HillBale,1980) 一、简介 MHLC从两极测定了人们对治疗效果的评价,一极反映了病人应对疗效负责的看法,即内控性,另一极则反映了治疗者所起的作用,即外控性。 MHLC是22个条目的自评量表,另外还有6个插入题(不记分)。最...
嗨,朋友!迫不及待要分享给你这个资源,相信能满足你的小期待~ 快戳[内在—外在心理控制源量表Internal一External Locus of Control Scale.doc]查看~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,还有没有其他想要的资源呀?
Rotter’s full Locus of Control Scale is a29-item questionnaire(PDF). But to get a quick sense of where you fall on the spectrum, consider which group of statements below resonates more with you. Internal locus of control: In my case, getting what I want has little or nothing to do ...
Internal一External Locus of Control Scale (Rotter,1996) 所谓心理控制源是指人们对行为或事件结局的一般性看法,这一连续谱的一极是内在性,另一极则是外在性。 心理控制源的内在性(内控性)指的是人们相信自己应对事情结果负责,即个人的行为、个性和能力是事情发展的决定因素。而心理控制源的外在性(外控性)则...
The Internal-External Locus of Control Scale is a tool used to measure the internal-external locus of control traits in individuals. It was developed by American psychologist Julian Rotter in 1966. Rotter believed that the internal-external locus of control traits are generalized expectations and bel...
Internal-External Locus of Control Scale - Rotter - 1973 () Citation Context ... high external locus of control would be less likely to plan for death, leaving this in the hands of a higher power. This hypothesis could be tested by co-administering a locus-of-control instrument (=-=...
Multidimensional HealthLocus of Controlscale Form C (FormC MHLC Scale)[72]is an 18-item scale evaluating HLC in four dimensions: internal, chance, physicians and others. The test-retest reproducibility of the various dimensions varies from 0.80 for the internal dimension to 0.40 for the “other...
Get PDF (482K) Abstract Examined the factor structure of the Health Locus of Control Scale in a group of domiciled veterans (N = 456). Results indicate that expectancies for health control are not distributed along the unidimensional continuum implied by the format of the scale. Instead, health...
Results of the assessments also indicate changes which should be made to improve the psychometric properties of the scale. Further assessments will need to be conducted after the instrument is revised. Use of the Prison Locus of Control scale should facilitate and lend accuracy to research with ...