The Locus of Control (LOC) of reinforcement construct was originally developed by Rotter ( 1954 , 1966 ) within the framework of his Social Learning Theory, along a unidimensional internal-external continuum. An important elaboration by Levenson ( 1981 ) divided the external contingencies into ...
Locus of Control refers to an individual's perception about the underlying main causes of events in his/her life. Or, more simply:Do you believe that your destiny is controlled by yourself or by external forces (such as fate, god, or powerful others)?The full name Rotter gave the ...
locus of control 由社会学习理论家罗特(J. Rotter)提出,亦称控制观,个体在周围环境(包括心理环境)作用的过程中,认识到控制自己生活的力量,也就是每个人对自己的行为方式和行为结果的责任的认识和定向。分内控和外控两种,前者指把责任归于个体的一些内在原因(如能力,努力程度等),后者则是指...
Locus of control(Rotter 1966) refers to an individual's beliefs about the extent of control that they have over things that happen to them. The more anxious or depressed a person is, the more external their locus of control tends to be and a greater external locus of control is associated...
Rotter in 1966. According to Rotter, individuals differ in their tendency to attribute causes to events, and the locus of control is the personality variable used to describe this individual difference. Similar to other personality variables, the locus of control can be seen as a dimension along...
Understanding Locus of Control The concept of 'locus of control' refers to how strongly people believe they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives. Originating from the work of psychologist Julian B. Rotter in the 1950s, this psychological principle helps determine...
The Locus of Control (LOC) of reinforcement construct was originally developed by Rotter ( 1954 , 1966 ) within the framework of his Social Learning Theory, along a unidimensional internal-external continuum. An important elaboration by Levenson ( 1981 ) divided the external contingencies into separa...
Rotter’s full Locus of Control Scale is a29-item questionnaire(PDF). But to get a quick sense of where you fall on the spectrum, consider which group of statements below resonates more with you. Internal locus of control: In my case, getting what I want has little or nothing to do ...