Editar página Más para explorar Fotos In Memoriam 2024 See the gallery Lista The Top 10 Most Popular Indian Movies of 2024 See the list Lista IMDb Staff Picks for December See the listVisto recientemente Borrar todo 133 - Motivation Pt. 2: Internal Locus of ControlInicia...
Parallels with the results of Levenson (1981) and the implications of convergence with the results of cross‐cultural studies not based upon the concept of locus of control are discussed. Les données de 9140 répondants à l'échelle I‐E de Rotter (1966) ont été analysées, par la ...
2.a center or source, as of activities or power:locus of control. 3.Math.the set of all points, lines, or surfaces that satisfy a given requirement. 4.the position of a gene on a chromosome. [1525–35; < Latin; Old Latinstlocus] ...
aLocus of control: Mueller and Thomas’s modified version of Rotter’s I-E Scale, consisting of ten items was used in this study to mea- sure internal locus of control. The instrument was originally designed to measure the respondents’ belief in their abilities to control external forces. ...
JoAnne K . H enry The re s earch que s t i o n for t h i s d e s c r i ptive i nves t i gation wa s : Doe s a d i f ferenc e e x i s t between the maternal feed i ng cho ice and the perce ived locus of contro l ? The inv e s t i ga t io n was...
Los resultados demostraron que los participantes con el control externo ms fuerte solan comprar casas ms baratas, tenan el ratio de prstamo hipotecario/el valor total de la casa ms bajo y las duraciones de hipoteca ms cortas. Adems, entre los participantes que tenan una casa, los que no...
El endeudamiento tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de vida, por ello es necesaria la comprensión de las variables que subyacen a este comportamiento. Al respecto, el locus de control ha sido señalado como una variable psicológica relevante que podría estar relacionada con las actitudes...
males develop parthenogenetically from unfertilised eggs and females from fertilised eggs. Arrhenotokous females typically have control over fertilisation by releasing sperm to an egg upon oviposition, and can facultatively adjust the sex ratio of their progeny. In thelytokous species diploid females ...
The endocannabinoid system: an ancient signaling involved in the control of male fertility. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2009; 1163: 112–124. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Grimaldi P, Orlando P, Di SS, Lolicato F, Petrosino S, Bisogno T et al. The endocannabinoid system and pivotal role of ...
QC, Canada; 3Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Laval University, Que´bec, QC, Canada The nosology of major psychoses is challenged by the findings that schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BP) share several neurobiological, neuropsychological and clinical phenotypic characteristics. ...