No one has an entirely internal or external locus of control. There is a spectrum that can be quite different depending on the individual and the situation. However, most favor one view over the other and make the majority of their decisions through that mindset. Internal Locus of Control “...
Understand locus of control. A comparison between internal vs external locus of control and examples. Learn to identify your outlook and how it can...
Synonyms Locus of control reinforcement Definition The internal-external locus of control construct ([ 8 ]), describes the extent to which one perceives there to be a causal connection between one's behavior or cognition and subsequent outcomes. Description The concept of locus of control was ...
Internal一External Locus of Control Scale (Rotter,1996) 所谓心理控制源是指人们对行为或事件结局的一般性看法,这一连续谱的一极是内在性,另一极则是外在性。 心理控制源的内在性(内控性)指的是人们相信自己应对事情结果负责,即个人的行为、个性和能力是事情发展的决定因素。而心理控制源的外在性(外控性)则...
智课网 TOEFL 备考资料托福口语 TPO16 Task6( 听力+ 解析+ 范文):Internal and external locus of control_ 托福口语重点单词查看全部解释 internal [in't ? :n? l]想一想再看 adj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的 qualified ['kw ? lifaid] 想一想再看 adj. 有资格的,有
locus of control 由社会学习理论家罗特(J. Rotter)提出,亦称控制观,个体在周围环境(包括心理环境)作用的过程中,认识到控制自己生活的力量,也就是每个人对自己的行为方式和行为结果的责任的认识和定向。分内控和外控两种,前者指把责任归于个体的一些内在原因(如能力,努力程度等),后者则是指...
网络内外控制点 网络释义 1. 内外控制点 心理学专业词汇英语翻译 - 外国语 ... ...internal external locus of control内外控制点internal external scale 内外控量表 ...|基于3个网页 例句
Health Locus of Control The HealthLocus of Controltheory is derived from a psychological construct known as the Locus of Control, where individuals' control over things are dichotomized into internal or external control[19]. A person with an internal locus of control believes events result from hi...
The relationships among three factors for at-risk adolescent Black males was investigated: internal-external locus of control, self-esteem, and parental verbal interaction. Forty-two males in Grades 6, 7, and 8 who had been identified as at-risk by their teachers completed the Locus of Control...