The stc and ompFp9 mutations can have very similar effects on the phenotype, but whereas ompFp9 is thought to be a constitutive mutation which is no longer dependent on ompR positive control, stc either acts at a later stage, in transcription, or posttranscriptionally. 展开 ...
For instance, neuro- fibrillary tangle (NFT) deposition in the LC has been noted in aged control and cognitively impaired subjects and LC NFTs correlate with global cognition [55], in line with reduced NE levels in the hippocampus and cortex in AD [1, 75, 94]. Moreover, it has been ...
In angiosperms, rounds of polyploidization (whole-genome duplications) probably generated many of the observed gene duplications in the SQUA and SEP subfamilies18–21. Members of the SQUA subfamily are generally positive regulators of the floral transition as they control the formation of inflorescence...
PURPOSE: To accurately calculate the shaft-end locus of a servomotor without using a position command and speed command from a control block in the control of the servomotor of a machine tool for drawing a straight line on a two-dimensional plane.NAKATSUKA TAKASHI...
Sh and Sc—Two complementary genes that control self-compatibility in Buckwheat. Crop Sci 45: 1229–1234. Woo SH, Adachi T, Jong SK, Campbell CG (1999). Inheritance of self-compatibility and flower morphology in an inter-specific buckwheat hybrid. Can J Plant Sci 79: 483–490. 243 ...
(paniclenumberperplant, grainnumberperpanicleandmeangrainweight) 6 .Theavailabilityof molecularmarker–basedgeneticmapshasallowedhundredsofyield QTLtobedetected 3,6 .However,thewayinwhichanyoftheseQTL regulatesgrainproductivityremainslargelyunknown. Inrecentyears,severalgenesknownasQTLsrelatedtograinyield havebeen...
Flagged spots as well as control spots were systematically removed, and data were log2 transformed. A quantile normalisation was then performed using the normalizeBetweenArray function from R package 'LIMMA' (Smyth et al, 2005) from the Bioconductor project. The median of each probe for a given...
The discovery sample consisted of a GWAS of German AgP cases and controls, which was previously described15, and of a case-control GWAS meta-analysis of CAD from the CARDIoGRAMplusC4D consortium16. The replication was carried out with GWA studies of case-control samples of Dutch AgP15 and CP...
A control group of 18 healthy donors (HD) (men with no evidence of prostate diseases, PSA level: <2.8 ng/mL) was recruited from ICBFM SB RAS clinics. Prostate biopsies and imaging techniques were applied to confirm the histopathological features and tumor stages of the PCa patients. Tumor ...
Total RNA and proteins were isolated from the sample as well as the scrambled shRNA control. Real time PCR analyses and Western blots were performed to evaluate the expression of all these ribosomal proteins as well as CD40. As a result, we observed a significant reduction in the expression ...