NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
In mice heterozygous at Odsm1, the phenotypic outcome, male, female or hermaphrodite, is determined by a complex interaction of several minor modifying loci. The close proximity of Smad2, Smad7 and Smad4 to D18Mit189/210 provides a potential mechanism through which Odsm1 might act. 展开 ...
In every case the mean value for the character was greater for the heterozygotes than for either recessive homozygotes or mixed dominants, and the differences among the genotype groups were significant in seven of eleven cases. The characters measured form a highly correlated complex in both ...
Members of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) family are important in immune systems. Great efforts have been made to reveal their complicated gene structures. But many existing studies focus on partial sequences of MHC genes. In this study, by gene cloning and sequencing, we identified cDNA ...
The last neurons belonging to the A5 division were located at the beginning of the inferior olivary complex. Thus, in the present study, the LC extended from the caudal limit of the motor nucleus of the trochlear nerve to the rostral limit of the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. The...
In terms of its volume and the number of cells that it contains, the LC is a small nucleus, comprised of only 1400–1600 cells in rats (Descarries and Saucier, 1972; Swanson, 1976a). Since it is a small, dense collection of similar cells, one would expect the LC to have been ...
Root‐locusPositive realnessStabilityParallel feedforwardThis way, simple adaptive controllers can be implemented in a large number of complex control systems, ... Izhak Bar㎏ana - 《International Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing》 被引量: 155发表: 2010年 ...
Members of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) family are important in immune systems. Great efforts have been made to reveal their complicated gene structures. But many existing studies focus on partial sequences of MHC genes. In this study, by gene cloning and sequencing, we identified cDNA ...
Human pachytene chromosome pairs have been characterized electron microscopically in spread preparations on the basis of synaptonemal complex length, kinet... Moses, M.,Counce, S.,Paulson, D. - 《Science》 被引量: 226发表: 1975年 Nucleolar RNA synthesis of meiotic prophase spermatocytes in the ...
Previous studies have demonstrated that the bovine TRA/TRD locus contains an exceptionally large number of TRAV/TRDV genes. In this study we combine genomic and transcript analysis to provide insights into the evolutionary development of the bovine TRA/TRD locus and the remarkable TRAV/TRDV gene ...