Low strength, wicking-grade threadlocker for pre-assembled fasteners under 6 mm (1/4") ... Threadlockers LOCTITE® 222 Purple, low-strength threadlocker for small fasteners Threadlockers LOCTITE® 222MS Purple, low-strength threadlocker for small fasteners (Military Spec) From $20....
grade 5B Haze, Spectrometer, % <1.3 Transmission, Spectrometer, @ 550 nm, % >92 Electrical Properties Sheet Resistance on PET substrate, 4-point probe, ohms/sq <100 GENERAL INFORMATION For safe handling information on this product, consult the Safety Data Sheet, (SDS). DIRECTIONS FOR USE 1...
Letter Grade A (088) Mil-S-22473E Grade A Letter Grade AV (087) Mil-S-22473E Grade AV Letter Grade AVV (086) Mil-S-22473E Grade AVV Letter Grade B (085) Mil-S-22473E Grade B Letter Grade C (084) Mil-S-22473E Grade C ...
grade 5B Haze, Spectrometer, % <1.3 Transmission, Spectrometer, @ 550 nm, % >92 Electrical Properties Sheet Resistance on PET substrate, 4-point probe, ohms/sq <100 GENERAL INFORMATION For safe handling information on this product, consult the Safety Data Sheet, (SDS). DIRECTIONS FOR USE 1...
Specific Gravity @ 25°C 1.1 Flash Point -See SDS Viscosity,Brookfield -RVT, 25°C,mPa·s (cP):Spindle 2,speed 20rpm,400 to 600LMS Viscosity,Cone &Plate,25°C,mPa·s (cP):Cone C60/1°Ti @shear rate 129s -1 450 TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCE Cure Speed vs.Substrate The rate of ...
货号:2002887 价格:¥10/支 发布日期:2021-07-24 更新日期:2025-02-16 产品详请 EINECS编号 货号2002887 品牌汉高 执行标准 活性使用期见TDS资料 CAS编号 别名乐泰 有效期咨询客服 工作温度见TDS资料 英文名称LOCTITE 分子式 有效物质≥ 固化方式见TDS资料 ...
(Mixture) Amber-BeigeComponents Two component - requires mixingViscosity HighMix Ratio, by volume -Resin : Hardener2 : 1Mix Ratio, by weight -Resin : Hardener100 : 46Cure Room temperature cure after mixingApplication BondingLOCTITE ® EA E-120HP is a high viscosity industrialgrade epoxy ...
LOCTITE EA 9455 产品说明书 EA 9455 A&B, 50ML
gradeepoxyadhesivewithextendedworklife.Oncemixed,the twocomponentepoxycuresatroomtemperaturetoforma tough,amber-beigebondlinewithexcellentresistanceto peelandimpactforces.Whenfullycured,theepoxyoffers superiorthermalshockresistance,excellentmechanicaland electricalproperties,andwithstandsexposuretoawidevariety ...
Known as Big Foot™Flexible Low Profile Exterior Grade (Black)June 2015 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOCTITE ®PC 6233Black™provides the following product LOCTITE ®PC 6233Black™is a water-based,non-slip coating specifically designed for water proned areas.This product is chip,scuff,impact ...