Mil-Spec Products with the brand excellence of LOCTITE This listing only includes currently active products as of January 2022. Mil-S-22473E Letter Grade AA (089) Mil-S-22473E Grade AA Letter Grade A (088) Mil-S-22473E Grade A
电介质强度:650 V/mil 特性:UN2735 CLASS 8 PG III 拉伸率:10% 燃点:>200 oF 混合比率:2:1(按体积) 比重:1.07 剪切强度:755 粘度:Resin: 41500 Hardener: 2800 操作时间:120分钟 乐泰Hysol E-120HP环氧树脂胶产品典型应用: 1.该产品具有超高强度,呈琥珀色,不会塌陷,航空级的环氧树脂 ...