Issue DateDecember 2021 DOI Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Lockdown Sleep School children Socia...
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity's demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. This deficit is calculated by liquidating stocks of ecological resources and accumulating waste, primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere....
Gupta N, Mathew A, Khandelwal S (2019) Analysis of cooling effect of water bodies on land surface temperature in nearby region: A case study of Ahmedabad and Chandigarh cities in India. Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci 22(1):81–93 Google Scholar Gurjar BR, Butler TM, Lawrence MG, Lelievel...
The objective of the study is to evaluate the level of thermal stress/comfort experienced by 17 major cities of India during lockdown period (2020) and its comparison with the year 2019. The experiment incorporates daily air temperature and relative humidity data for a period of 6 months ...
2058. Re: Mauritius in lockdown 3 years ago Save Lornas hopefully not too long before you are reunited with him! 205,000 Mauritians have been vaccinated to date, representing 16% of the population. 110,000 people received their first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine, the second dose of which...
(c) the number of COVID-19 patients in each PMC ward office at beginning of the pandemic (left panel), at the end of the nationwide lockdown (middle panel), and at the end of the study period (right panel). The date is located at the top of each panel. Dark gray indicates <...
State administration in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh instructed farmers to register for getting a token/pass specifying the time, date and quantity limit for disposing their produce. Punjab with less trade restrictions witnessed record procurement of wheat in 2020. Even there were reports of farmers ...
Our objective was to explore the training-related knowledge, beliefs, and practices of athletes and the influence of lockdowns in response to the coronavir
However, till date, few papers related to the effects of lockdown on air quality in Lanzhou have been published, and a comparative study of the multiple lockdowns has not been performed, thus limiting the potential for discussion of the intertemporal differences in these effects. To fill these...
The sudden fall in pollutants and the subsequent blue skies signal a dramatic shift for India – which has 21 of the world’s 30 most polluted cities, according to the IQAir AirVisual’s 2019 World Air Quality Report. In the capital, New Delhi, government data shows the average concen...