Hello everyone, I recently bought a hp laptop 15.6-inch AMD Ryzen 3 and I need to download respondus lockdown browser on it in order to take an exam - 8898523
✅ Respondus lockdown browser makes my computer very slow.:I downloaded RESPONDUS lockdown browser and now my computer is very slow and It made some things locked by administrative. I had to go into the...
This is the same as the BS they pulled with the Skylake/Kabylake processor to force users off of Windows 7. Unlike previous versions of windows you can't download and install an updated .net, its baked in. So unless you get the SAAS version you are stuck with 4.7 on 1809. When the ...
The software is incredibly easy to use, allowing you to block and unblock all ports on your laptop or computer system to prevent an unauthorized USB drive from accessing them. However, you will be disappointed if you are seeking a security solution that is rich in features. Features: Block/U...
[PowerShell] How to change Windows 10 default web browser to IE using PowerShell? [Powershell] lastlogondate exactly 90 days ago [SOLVED] Domain Join Assistance: Account Already Exists [Solved] Exporting profile photos from Office365 [SOLVED] Leveraging EWS (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll) ...
✅ Kids account lockdown: disable extensions in Microsoft Edge new version:Hi, I'm trying to block my kid's account ability to install extensions in Microsoft Edge. His laptop is running Windows 10 Home edition. Since Group...
Eu gostaria de saber se existe uma maneira de bloquear um protocolo de rede no console do defensor, eu sei que isso é possível em uma caixa de firewall de...
One advantage of any prior art is that any application, or even the file browser, can understand files created by any application. Addition of rich properties gives further meaning to the data, such as “which persons appear in which pictures,” and “the person an e-mail was addressed to...
Please ask the provider or please try https://web.respondus.com/he/lockdownbrowser/ I think it is not free, you need to pay to get it. Regards. - 8898523
Hi Guys, We would like to restrict access of OneDrive to our Office IPs only. Where is OneDrive in these Cloud Applications? Is it...