Chrome Browser Lockdown 0.0.8 版本号 2023-02-28 更新时间 4 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 阻止学生在完成 Castle 作业时打开新选项卡。 当教师或管理员在 Castle Learning 中分配作业或评估时,他们可以启用启用浏览器锁定的选项。如果他们启用了该选项并且此扩展程序安装在学生用来完成作业或评估的...
有人知道lockdown browser出现这个应该怎么办吗……我都按照它说的做了,还是会出现这个提示。(其他应用都关了... 谢谢了赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 爱慕艾姆 2020-12-05 09:09:25 或许你重启一下再试一次?我记得我的也不用关别的应用 赞(2) 回复 公主の刷屏時間 (hi~) 楼主 2020-12-05 09...
此外,如果用户点击黑名单中的其他网站,Chrome 将抛出错误页面,但无法返回主信息亭网站,导致用户卡在错误页面上。 Inteset Secure Lockdown 浏览器帮助程序通过捕获上述场景并为用户提供返回主信息亭应用程序的简单方法来缓解这些问题。帮助程序只是通过友好的对话框向用户告知情况,并让他们有机会返回上一页。就这么简单!
launch" method that automatically launches the LockDown Browser application from a standard browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.). The launching occurs when a user starts a Moodle quiz that requires the use of LockDown Browser. After the quiz is submitted for grading, the standard browser will return...
When I turn on the MetaMask extension and open any web page, an error appears in the console. These errors disappear when MetaMask is disabled. Error messages or log output No response Version 11.0.0 Build type None Browser Chrome Operating system ...
LockDown Browser is a client application installed to a user’s computing device. It is based on the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) and renders content nearly identically to other browsers based on CEF (eg. Chrome, Edge). Respondus Monitor is a web application that builds upon the LockDown...
LockDown Browser detects if there are other open programs like Chrome and File Explorer and other software that may interfere. Check if there are open programs; close them. Relaunch the LockDown Browser to see if the error persists. Make it compulsory to confirm this before using the browser....
The issue does not occur on fresh browser installations, and we are unable to reproduce it. However, if you install the Metamask wallet or any other extension, it may trigger the problem.
How to Install Google Chrome on remote computer using powershell How to Install Windows Powershell 2.0 on Windows 2003 Server SP2 How to Install/UnInstall Visual studio extension using PowerShell How to invoke MS Access VBA function? how to join an array with newline how to kill PS sessions ...
for Facebook (Chrome Extension)– removes the Facebook newsfeed (the worst distraction ever) from your browser. You still get the usual alerts and messages, it just frees you from hours and hours of scrolling through dumb cat photos and other rubbish. It works on the Brave browser as well...