在SR830中,可以设置时间常数,其本质是设置低通滤波的截止频率。 时间常数和截止频率的关系是f=\frac{1}{2\pi T}, 千万不要误以为f=\frac{1}{T} 另外SR830中,也可以设置带外衰减速率,分别为6dB/十倍频程、12dB/十倍频程、18dB/十倍频程和24dB/十倍频程。 细节六:锁相放大器的真正输入是什么? 进入原...
1-8 SR830 DSP Lock-In Amplifier STATUS BYTE DEFINITIONS SERIAL POLL STATUS BYTE (5-21) bit name 0 SCN 1 IFC 2 ERR 3 LIA 4 MAV 5 ESB 6 SRQ 7 Unused usage No data is being acquired No command execution in progress Unmasked bit in error status byte set Unmasked bit in LIA status ...
SR830BASICS WhatisaLock-inAmplifier?3-1 WhatDoesaLock-inMeasure?3-3 TheSR830FunctionalDiagram3-5 ReferenceChannel3-7 PhaseSensitiveDetectors3-9 TimeConstantsandDCGain3-11 DCOutputsandScaling3-13 DynamicReserve3-15 SignalInputAmplifierandFilters3-17 ...
网络释义 1. 锁相放大器 锁相放大器(Lock-inAmplifier)是进行微弱信号放大的专门仪器,如美国斯坦福研究系统公司(SRS)的SR830锁相放大器,其最高电 … www.liuxueban.com|基于2个网页
Model SR830DSP Lock-In Amplifier (Version2005). . 2005MODEL SR830 DSP Lock-In Amplifier, Stanford Research Systems Inc (R2.2 2005).Stanford Research Systems. Model SR810 DSP Lock-In amplifier—manual, January 2005. URL http://www.thinksrs.com/mult/SR810830m.htmModel SR830 DSP Lock-In ...
锁相放大器(Lock-in Amplifier, 简写为LIA)就是检测淹没在噪声中的微弱信号的仪器。它可用于测量微弱交流信号的幅度和位相, 有较强的抑制干扰和噪声的能力, 有极高的灵敏度,在光谱学和环境学的微弱信号探测与采集中有着广泛的应用前景。 上传者:chujianqiling时间:2014-07-18...
SR844 200 MHz Lock-In Amplifier The SR844 is the widest bandwidth lock-in amplifier available from SRS. It provides uncompromised performance with a frequency range of 25 kHz to 200 MHz and up to 80 dB of drift-free dynamic reserve. The SR844 includes the many features, ease of operation...
型号:MFLI_Lock_in_Amplifier 样本: 上海昊量光电设备有限公司 获取底价在线客服 查看同类光学仪器组件仪器 型号品牌PIPES指数 Mateo TL徕卡8.3 显微镜电动载物台,显微镜自动载物台玉研仪器8.2 TC-PD系列泰肯光电8.1 仪器描述 00 kHz / 5 MHz, 120 dB 动态保留,500 ns 时间常数,取代并超越斯坦福SR830的新一代锁...
Figure 7. Many Lock-In Amplifier main functions (Developed Lock-In Core) can be implemented in the same FPGA circuit depending on the Logic Cells availability from the used circuit (SR-830 Lock-In Left Image from Thinksrs.com, (Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Figure 8. Developed core from the pe...