Why Should You Lock Your Facebook Profile? Well, one of the main reasons why you should lock your Facebook profile isPRIVACY. To understand it simply, you can imagine it like a private Instagram account. Locking the Facebook Profile simply means that you do not want unnecessary people to h...
Shona Ghosh
If you select “Friends of Friends”, then all your status updates and photos that you post to your profile can be viewed by your Facebook friends as well as their friends also. If you select “Friends”, then only your Facebook Friends can see your updates. If you select “Specific Pe...
Don't use a smartphone if you all don't want your data being stolen. Reply C Carol mVu 24 Nov 2020 This can only be believed by apple fanatics. Everyone knows who apple is and who facebook is, the same as google. They all harvest data, and their fight for "privacy" is a circu...
“Viewing friends’ profile”). Answers included a 7-point scale (from 1 = Never to 7 = More than once a day). The two passive Facebook Use subscales showed acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = .64 and .76 for passive use social connection and passive use ...
Profile configuration telemetry Report generation telemetry Report layout lifecycle telemetry Retention policy telemetry Stopped sessions telemetry Table index telemetry Task scheduler telemetry User checklist telemetry Verbose logging enabled/disabled telemetry Web service access key telemetry Web se...
We wrote a Migration Guide to make upgrading your app easy. Breaking change lock.getProfile now expects an access_token as the first parameter. You'll need to update your code to change the parameter sent (v10 expected an id_token). Removed The oidcConformant flag was used to force Lock...
User profile for user: bishal220 bishal220 Author User level: Level 1 5 points Facelock not being used for app store My app store is not using facelock to download apps . I need to enter password everytime. I have done everything possible throughout the settings ...
Hi,When logging in to my e-mail/Outlook I receive the message: Your account has been locked. We’ve detected some activity that violates our Microsoft...
var clientId = "YOUR_AUTH0_APP_CLIENTID"; var domain = "YOUR_DOMAIN_AT.auth0.com"; var lock = new Auth0LockPasswordless(clientId, domain); lock.on("authenticated", function(authResult) { lock.getUserInfo(authResult.accessToken, function(error, profile) { if (error) { // Handle ...