Postgres (and MySQL as well) provide a FOR UPDATE clause which instructs a SELECT operation to acquire row-level locks for the data it is reading. We currently don't support this syntax, and supporting it with the same semantics is more ...
Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql复制 sp_lock[ [ @spid1 = ] spid1 ] [ , [ @spid2 = ] spid2 ] [ ; ] 参数 [ @spid1 = ]spid1 用户希望从sys.dm_exec_sessions中获取锁定信息的数据库引擎会话 ID 号。@spid1为int,默认值为NULL. 执行sp_who以获取有关会话的进程信息。 如果未指定@sp...
Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql复制 sp_lock[ [ @spid1 = ] spid1 ] [ , [ @spid2 = ] spid2 ] [ ; ] 参数 [ @spid1 = ]spid1 用户希望从sys.dm_exec_sessions中获取锁定信息的数据库引擎会话 ID 号。@spid1为int,默认值为NULL. 执行sp_who以获取有关会话的进程信息。 如果未指定@sp...
Gilt für: SQL Server Azure SQL-Datenbank Azure SQL Managed InstanceGibt die aktuelle Einstellung für das Sperrtimeout für die aktuelle Sitzung in Millisekunden zurück.Transact-SQL-SyntaxkonventionenSyntaxsyntaxsql Kopieren @@LOCK_TIMEOUT
Syntax Arguments Return code values Result set Show 4 more Applies to:SQL Server Reports information about locks. Important This feature will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this fe...
Azure SQL 托管实例 对应用程序资源设置锁。 Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql复制 sp_getapplock[ [ @Resource = ]N'Resource'] , [ @LockMode = ]'LockMode'[ , [ @LockOwner = ]'LockOwner'] [ , [ @LockTimeout = ]LockTimeout ] [ , [ @DbPrincipal = ]N'DbPrincipal'] [ ; ] ...
syntaxsql sp_releaseapplock[ [ @Resource = ]N'Resource'] [ , [ @LockOwner = ]'LockOwner'] [ , [ @DbPrincipal = ]N'DbPrincipal'] [ ; ] 引數 [ @Resource = ] N'資源' 用戶端應用程式指定的鎖定資源名稱。@Resource為nvarchar(255),預設值為NULL。@Resource是二進位比較,因此不論目前資料...
syntaxsql SETDEADLOCK_PRIORITY{LOW|NORMAL|HIGH|<numeric-priority>| @deadlock_var| @deadlock_intvar}<numeric-priority>::={ -10| -9| -8| ... |0| ... |8|9|10} 参数 LOW 指定如果当前会话发生死锁,并且死锁链中涉及的其他会话的死锁优先级设置为 NORMAL 或 HIGH 或大于 -5 的整数值,则当...
true stat: enabled: true merge-sql: true db-type: sqlserver log-slow-sql: true slow-sql-milli...
Cannot connect to localhost\SQLEXPRESS Cannot Connect to Remote Named Instance of SQL Server cannot connect to sql server developer 64 bit Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax. Cannot create a row of size 8069 which is greater than the allowable maximum row...