首先,我们看在单生产者单消费者场景下一个lock free的ring buffer的简单实现。然后我们分析它是如何工作的,最后分析该实现的限制和改进。 class RingBuffer{public:RingBuffer();intread(int*result)intwrite(intelement);private:unsignedread_index;unsignedwrite_index;staticconstunsignedbuffer_size=256;intbuffer[...
According to at least one embodiment, a method for writing, by a computing thread, data to a ring buffer is disclosed. The method includes determining whether the ring buffer is full. If the ring buffer is not full, the method further includes: reserving an element of the ring buffer for...
它使用两个指针来标识读写位置,读线程通过原子操作获取数据,写线程通过原子操作写入数据。当读写指针相遇时,表示buffer已满或已空,需要等待。内存屏障用于保证指令的顺序性,确保读写操作的正确性。无锁ring buffer的优势在于避免了锁的开销,提高了并发性能,但也需要注意处理竞争条件和内存一致性的问题。 free车上是什...
Parts of our application are still using an older lock-free ring buffer design. Here is the old design, chopped and edited: class MidiRecFifo { MidiRecordEvent fifo[MIDI_REC_FIFO_SIZE]; volatile int size; int wIndex; int rIndex; public: // Returns true on fifo overfl...
A header-only lock-free ring buffer implemented with C++11 - GitHub - qwqllh/RingBuffer: A header-only lock-free ring buffer implemented with C++11
Wait Free 目前能够推广使用的只限于 ring buffer 架构的,这种架构的优势是不需要使用CAS指令,就没有...
In Andrea's implementation of the lock-free ring-buffer,spsc-bip-buffer, some of the orderings are relaxed for performance. This has the downside that it can introduce subtle concurrency bugs that may only show up on some platform (ARM, for example): to be a bit more confident that ever...
1)如果使用的场景是单读单写的话,可以维护一个ringbuff,生产线程和消费线程各自维护一个write index 和 read index。各自维护(写)自己的index。 这种情况可以无需加锁。 2)如果是场景是多读多写的话,由于有多个生产者和消费者,这里需要进行cas操作来维护index。并且由于ring buffer是固定长度的数组,来进行cas操作...