Experimental Analysis In this section, the performance of the proposed location privacy-preserving method will be evaluInattehdisfrsoemctiotnh,reteheapspeerfcotsrmuasnincge oMf AthTeLpArBop(ovseerdsiolonc, aMtioannupfraicvtaucrye-rp, rCesiteyr,viUnSg mSteattheoadbbwrielvl .beif esaevprapvlui...
In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, Tel Aviv, Israel, 26–30 March 2000; pp. 775–784. 2. Lim, H.; Kung, L.; Hou, J.C.; Luo, H. Zero-configuration indoor localization over IEEE 802.11 wireless infrastructure. Wirel. ...
Chanta and Sangsawang [29] uses GIS to discriminate facilities above certain height to reduce the chance of being flooded, and then the candidate facilities are introduced into the optimisation model to maximise coverage and minimise distance travelled. The location of disaster recovery centres for ...
The Mersin ophiolite shows a good ophiolitic sequence except for the absence of sheeted dykes, and the stratigraphy is as follows from bottom to top: Mantle tectonites with an underlying metamorphic sole, ultramafic–mafic cumulates, and effusive rocks [29]. The mantle tectonites are highly ...
bpaastehds.on the geogrTahpehimc aroinutcinogntarligbourtiitohnms .oFfutrhthiserp, awpeerdecsaingnbeed saupmermimareitzeerd-baassedfoallpopwrso:ac(1h)towheeplprothpeospeacakangeews bscehaecmcuertaotecloyntsrtarnuscmt sihttaerdedtoktehyesabgeetnwteneondnee, iegvhebnorifintghensooduersc,ewnh...
The basic Gabor function g(x, y) is expressed as follows: g ( (x , y, ) )==22π l σ 2 − (u2+v2 e 2σ2 ) e( jω u −−e− ω2 σ2 / /2 ) u == x ccooss θ ++y ssiinnθ , ,v ==−−x ssininθ ++y c ocossθ (1) (1) ((22)) InInwwhh...
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, ETS Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, C/Ronda de Valencia, 3, 28012 Madrid, Spain; ricardo.granizo@upm.es * Correspondence: carlosantonio.platero@upm.es; Tel.: +34-91-067-69-77; Fax: +34-91-336-30-08 Received: ...