One major source of this neglect is in our conceptualization of firms' loca tion-specific advantages (LSAs) as completely distinct from finn-specific advantages - i.e. a [actor that only explains the choice o[ location [or different activities but not the variation in firm-specific advantages ...
Beugelsdijk, S. 2011. Location specific advantages and liabi- lity of foreignness: Time, space and relative advantage. In C. G. Asmussen, T. Devinney, T. Pedersen, & L. Tihanyi (Eds), Advances in International Management: 181-210. Amsterdam: JAI Press....
Mr. Gonnet described the circumstances in which a multinational enterprise may benefit from Location Specific Advantages (LSAs) in certain locations and, in case LSAs are identified, whether LSAs convert into location-specific rents (extra profits). Finally, Mr. Gonnet explained that the question...