Thread Question GPS not working on Magisk Rooted GP 6a When I first rooted my Google Pixel 6a with Magisk, location services were working fine. However, I recently noticed that Life360, Google Maps, and other location-based apps can no longer determine my location. Here are the details of...
Working with Multiple Profiles (Windows) MSVidDataServices (Windows) MSVidVideoRendererDevices (Windows) How to Display a Rooted View of a File (Windows) Operator[] function (Windows) Operator[] function (Windows) CallCPLEntry16 function (Windows) ExitCode element (Windows) IMediaRenderer::GetMu...
services (often referred to asmulti-tenancy). The location for the underlying data center could be most anywhere in the world (often referred to aslocation independence). The underlying hardware is usually chosen by the cloud provider and not the users of the service (here you will likely ...
If not, as so many have already said on this site (over and over), just look at it. Eclipse glasses for the partial phases and then naked eye view of the corona, planets, etc. once all the brightness is gone. Chairs are very helpful too. If you planned ahead and bought a shee...
Active Directory Administrative Center not working properly ActiveX files stored on local profile AD Home Drive not getting mapped when connecting through VPN Add Clock On second screen add company watermark to desktop add delay time to the taskbar auto-showing (when set to auto-hide) Add-AppxPack...
Do not link to any APKs. Double-check your spelling/grammar. Legend This page currently uses Unicode characters fromUnicode Emoji (1.0). If you are unable to see these characters, please open an issue. ✅ Works 🆖 Works, but needs Google Mobile Services ...
I can shift things around and work on something that doesn’t require as much creativity. And I always try to make time for people, so if I’m in a good conversation, I try not to rush off back to work. I’d rather add an extra working hour into the next day than skip an inter...
Global Positioning System; Global Navigation Satellite System; radio frequency identification; ultra-wideband; radio telemetry; passive integrated transponder; big data; Internet of Things; location-based services; activity recognition; wearable technology; mesh network; geofence; forestry; wildland fire; ...
“By connecting theWAN portof the new router to an openLAN porton the existing router, attacker code running on the main network will not have a path to abuse those connected devices. Although this does not by default prevent attacks from the IoT devices to the main network, it is likely...
Amazon's Next Kindle Fire Android Tablet Clears the FCC — Do you recall all those rumors about Amazon is working on a larger Kindle Fire, and how that tablet is expected to be released this fall? I think it cleared the FCC yesterday. — Now here's something guaranteed to wake you up...