授权的时候 提示 permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION is not granted
public class FineLocationPermissionNotGrantedException The Android precise location permission (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) is required, but has not been granted prior to calling Session.configure(com.google.ar.core.Config) when Config.GeospatialMode is set to Config.GeospatialMode.ENABLED. See ...
vueper1楼•1 个月前
completable.complete(grantResults.size == permissions.size && grantResults.all { it == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED }) } else { completable.complete(false) } } })) intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PERMISSIONS, permissions.toTypedArray()) intent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK context.startActivity...
Granted; var permissionResult = await DoRequest(runtimePermissions); if (permissionResult.GrantResults.Any(g => g == Permission.Denied)) return PermissionStatus.Denied; return PermissionStatus.Granted; } @gktval if you want to validate Essential's behavior, you could try calling the ...
if(granted){ mapboxMap.getStyle(newStyle.OnStyleLoaded(){ @Override publicvoidonStyleLoaded(@NonNullStylestyle){ enableLocationComponent(style); } }); }else{ Toast.makeText(this,R.string.user_location_permission_not_granted,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); ...
where it is available across your devices to other apps or services that use your Microsoft account and for which you've granted permission. If you are signed in with your Microsoft account and your device cannot reliably determine your current location on its own (such as when you are ...
where it is available across your devices to other apps or services that use your Microsoft account and for which you've granted permission. If you are signed in with your Microsoft account and your device cannot reliably determine your current location on its own (such as when you are in ...
GRANTED: console.log("The permission is granted"); // Permission has been granted - app can request location coordinates getUserLocation(); break; case RESULTS.BLOCKED: console.log("The permission is denied and not requestable anymore"); break; } }); 收藏分享票数2 EN...
Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION)==PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; 41 42 if(foreground){ 43 booleanbackground:ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, 44 Manifest.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION)==PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;