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Code, L. 2006. Ecological Thinking: the Politics of Epistemic Location. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.book reviewecologyepistemologyfeminist philosophyresilience...doi:10.5751/ES-03880-150442Maureen BiermannResilience AllianceECOLOGY AND SOCIETY...
This book argues that in both literary and ethical aspects, Seneca's tragedies are products of the Neronian age and of a Latin literary tradition. Their relationship with Attic tragedy is mediated, through allusion, by non-dramatic Augus... CAJ Littlewood - Oxford University Press 被引量: 35...
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Present address: Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics and Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX13QU, UK Authors and Affiliations AC Immune, SA (ACIU), EPFL Innovation Park Building B, 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland Ruth Luthi-Carter, Morgan Le Roux-Bo...
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Google Scholar Meyer, U. (2005). The presentist’s dilemma. Philosophical Studies,122, 213–225. Article Google Scholar Meyer, U. (2013). The triviality of presentism. In R. Ciuni, et al. (Eds.), New papers on the present: Focus on presentism (...
In The Oxford Handbook of Attention (ed. Kastner, S.) 927–971 (Oxford University Press, 2014). Google Scholar Vaportzis, E., Georgiou-Karistianis, N. & Stout, J. C. Dual task performance in normal aging: A comparison of choice reaction time tasks. PLoS ONE 8, e60265 (2013). ...
Challenging and improving upon existing studies, we develop a more integrated and fine-grained theory regarding oil and the onset of ethnic war and present
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