Gemini constellation is located in the northern celestial hemisphere. Its name means “the twins” in Latin. The constellation represents the twins Castor and Pollux (Polydeuces), also known as the Dioscuri in ancient times, in Greek mythology. Gemini is one of thezodiac constellations, first cat...
The constellation of Leo is one of the easiest to spot in the night sky, inspiring both mythology and cutting-edge astronomy.
making it difficult to see this constellation from light-polluted areas ofEarth. (Its brightest, Hamal, has amagnitudeof 2.02.) It's also in a somewhat empty area of the sky; there are few deep-sky objects within the constellation.
Cancer is the 31st largest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 506 square degrees. It lies in the second quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ2) and can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -60°. The neighboring constellations areCanis Minor,Gemini,Hydra,Leo,Leo Minor, and...
ranks 17th largest in size among the 88 constellations in the night sky. It is bordered by Aries to the west, Gemini to the east, Perseus and Auriga to the north, Orion to the southeast, Eridanus to the south, and Cetus to the southwest. It is one of the 12 constellations of the ...
They used three of the largest optical telescopes in the world—Keck, Gemini South, and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope—to make a detailed image of the galaxy and take spectra (which give us its distance). False color image of DES J514425.25-405400.81, the host gala...
Leo belongs to the Zodiac family of constellations, along withAries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Virgo,Libra,Scorpius,Sagittarius,Capricornus,AquariusandPisces. The brightest star in Leo isRegulus, Alpha Leonis, with an apparent magnitude of 1.35. Leo is one of the 15equatorial constellations. It contains ...
Libra belongs to the zodiac family ofconstellations, along withAries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Scorpius,Sagittarius,Capricornus,AquariusandPisces. Libra contains four stars with known planets and does not have anyMessier objects. The brightest star in the constellation isZubeneschamali, Beta Librae...
Aquarius belongs to thezodiac family of constellations, along withAries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpius,Sagittarius,Capricornus, andPisces. The constellation contains three Messier objects:Messier 2(NGC 7089),Messier 72(NGC 6981), andMessier 73(NGC 6994). There are four meteor showers...
(suitable for single player games) or to find the greatest number of objects in a particular time. An example of a game would be to trace the constellation Gemini with the object locator in the least amount of time. The object locator stores and displays the pertinent information needed for...