Map showing the location of the Chagos Archipelago, including the four sampling sites: Salomon Islands, Diego Garcia, Chagos Bank and Peros Banhos.SungYin YangShashank KeshavmurthyDavid OburaCharles R. C. SheppardShakil VisramChaolun Allen Chen...
Using the World Ocean Atlas data set allows computing the SOFAR depth and speed with useful accuracy on a quarter degree global grid. With an estimate of speed variations, it is then a matter of integrating the average speed over any path of interest. The speed map is used to generate a ...
Miguel A. BecerraMarcela Bedoya SanchezJacobo Garcia CarvajalJaime A. Guzman LunaDiego H. Peluffo-OrdonezCatalina TobonIberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
We demonstrate an optical fiber fault location method based on the frequency\nresponse of the modulated fiber optical backscattered signal in a steady state\nlow-frequency step regime. Careful calibration and measurement allows for the\nreconstruction of the fiber transfer function, which, associated ...
The PECAS approach has been implemented in various locations around the world over the last 18 years, including the following: Oregon (statewide), California (statewide), Atlanta, San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, USA; the City of Edmonton, Province of Alberta, Canada; Caracas, ...