crontab -e : 执行文字编辑器来设定时程表,内定的文字编辑器是 VI,如果你想用别的文字编辑器,则请先设定 VISUAL 环境变数 来指定使用那个文字编辑器(比如说 setenv VISUAL joe) crontab -r : 删除目前的时程表 crontab -l : 列出目前的时程表 crontab file [-u user]-用指定的文件替代目前的crontab。 ...
crontab entry is : 55 20 * * 5 /home/oracle/scripts/ ~ TobiasHolm🇸🇪 2014/12/12 Put the path before the filename. Try: from v$parameter where name = 'db_name'; spool "/var/log/myfolder/"&&lfsdiag_&&dbname&×tamp&&suffix ...
1. 其实这个也是很简单的,去做URL的匹配,我这里也把crontab干掉了,crontab -e,把里面的内容干掉了, cd到conf下,然后vim nginx.conf,这块我可以注释掉了,我不想用它了,注释也是很简单的,就是井号#,这个不用说, 还是看上面这一块吧,这里有一个location,一个虚拟的服务器配置,你可以配置多个location,配置多个l...
As far as I remember the issue is due to a temporary random file name. May have an identical issue withvisudo. /var/spool/cron/crontabs/: -# (/tmp/crontab.h6cFwA/crontab installed on Mon Sep 25 18:47:14 2023)+# (/tmp/crontab.RSkQcH/crontab installed on Tue Apr 2 16:29:20 202...
Caution: If you have any custom scheduled tasks configured in crontab, changing any of these values can reset your crontab to the default values. See the following article for more information on this: 214963 - PGP Encryption Server modifications can cause crontab entries to be reset to default...
<!--# Add cronjob for powermode --> cat >&pluginLOC;-&branch;/powermode.cron <<EOL # Crontab for Disk Location plugin to retrieve SMART power status in the background */5 * * * * php -f &emhttpLOC;/pages/cron_disklocation.php cronjob status &> /dev...
/Form5/Cress -> /KolibriDev/Cress crontab: /yss/crontab.js -> /yss/crontabjs croppic: /styoe/croppic -> /sconsult/croppic cr-remote-service: /corley/cr-remote-service -> /ngutils/cr-remote crumpet: /AdamMarsBar/Crumpet -> /AdamMarsden/Crumpet cryptocoin-address-btc: /cryptocoinjs/addr...
crontab -e And configure the following cron job: * * * * * python3 /opt/pioniq/obdii/ PID=$!; sleep 55; kill $PID >/dev/null 2>&1 Run automatically GPS data script Do this stepONLYif you plan to use the USB GPS device to publish your car's location. ...
Eg. SMART crontab should now be able to install again. - Commit #192 - IMPROVEMENT: Prepared for Unraid 6.12 and above. Breaks Dashboard compatibility with earlier Unraid versions. - Commit #190 - FEATURE: Addition of a Heat Map has been added, this can now be chosen instead of the...