Any of the imaginary lines around the earth parallel to the equator, Parallels Any of the imaginary lines around the earth parallel to the equator, Important Parallels Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle Antarctic Circle Prime Meridian The Prime Meridian is the vertical line ...
Captain James Cook became the first person to cross the Antarctic Circle. 1819 British mariner William Smith discovered the South Shetland Islands. 1819-1823 James Wendell captained two sealing expeditions where he discovered a new species of seal and reached a record latitude of 74° 15' S. ...
the land is covered in deep water having sunk during the calamities of the collapse. Hence its name, The Sunken Lands. What remains above the surface are the peaks of mountains or tall hills, depending on how far south and west one goes. The...
As an aside, I know there are a couple of caches on the Antarctic continent - I wonder which one's closest to the South Pole? Edit: I've since discovered that magnetic north is at roughly 78°35.7′N, 104°11.9′W still many hundreds of miles from where Top Gear actually clai...
The bird breeds in the Arctic Circle, but migrates during the Northern Hemisphere winter to the edges of the Antarctic ice pack. There are also polar bears, Arctic foxes, walruses, seals and whales around the North Pole. The narwhal is often referred to as the ‘unicorn of the sea’. ...
During the course of the night, Polaris does not rise or set, but remains in very nearly the same spot above the northern axis year-round while the other stars circle around it. The star has been an important marker for navigation for centuries. Over time, the location of the North Pole...
which is only surpassed by the great Antarctic and spits out gigantic icebergs that follow the 60 km fjord out into the bay. This fjord is a photographer’s delight, characterized by endless days illuminated by the Midnight Sun. It is a magical place to experience from both land and water,...
The diving pattern of females from Patagonia is similar to that of seals from colonies where numbers are decreasing (Macquarie stock) or are stable (South Georgia Island). Our subjects did not, however, feed in or south of the Antarctic Polar Front, or in cold waters along the Antarctic ...
remote areas of Antarctic water, or areas covered by sea ice; [56]). However, a key limitation of transmission via the Argos system is that data are only transmitted if a satellite is passing overhead while the tag is at the surface, resulting in ‘snapshots’ of location, behavioural ...
(Fig.1c), these devices can collect environmental data from the entire water column in areas that were previously difficult or expensive to reach (e.g. remote areas of Antarctic water, or areas covered by sea ice; [56]). However, a key limitation of transmission via the Argos system is...