范围层级:从“in”(大范围)到“at”(具体点)体现空间精度递增; 接触关系:“on”要求表面或线性接触,“to”侧重方向或终点; 动态性:“to”隐含迁移过程,其他三者多描述静态位置。 例如,同一栋建筑若用“located in the building”指其内部位置,“located on the third...
located in通常是用於比较大的,而又没有详细资料;located on一般不会用於人身上;located at通常是用於有精确的地址的情况;located to一般是用於形容“某人”或“某工厂”或“某公司”从某地“迁移”到另外一个地方。 1located in/on/to的区别 一、意思不同 1.be located in意思:坐落于…,位于…。 2.be l...
located in/on/at/to的区别?相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 located in :通常是用於比较大的,而又没有详细资料.如“He is located in Shanghai”.“范围”不一定是面积上的大小,也可以是指一座大楼,而但有不知那一层.如“He is located in that building,but I do not know which floor”. located on ...
四者的区别如下:1、located in:常用于指比较大的位置,但没有详细资料。例如:This city is located in the south of China.(这个城市位于中国南部)。2、located on:常不会用于人身上。例如:This city is located on the Southern fringe of the desert.(这个城市位于沙漠的南部边缘)。3、l...
例句:This city is located on the southern fringe of the desert.3.located at :通常是用于有精确的地址时。例句:Beijing is located at 40 ° N and 116 ° E.4.located to :一般是用来形容“某人”或“某工厂”或“某公司”从某地“迁移”到另外一个地方。例句:It is located to the...
(in China, in Beijing, in the city, in province)在中国, 在北京, 在城市, 在省 on = 上面 (on table, on shelf, on roof) 在桌子上, 在架子上, 在屋顶上 at = 在某处, 指一个范围小的地方 (at school, at cinema, at home) 在学校, 在电影院, 在家 by = 在旁边 (by the school, by...
locate at通常是用於有精确的地址的情况; locate to一般是用於形容“某人”或“某工厂”或“某公司”从某地“迁移”到另外一个地方。 一、意思不同 1.be located in意思:坐落于…,位于…。 2.be located on意思:坐落在。 3.be located to意思:位于,两者之间有一定的距离。
locatedonon表示意思是上面ontableonroof在桌子上在屋顶上结果一 题目 located on/in/at 三种各自的用法,located on/in/at 三种各自的用法 答案 located on ,on表示意思是上面 (on table,on roof) 在桌子上,在屋顶上located in+大地方名称located at+小地方名称/具体地方相关推荐 1located on/in/at 三种各自...
2.located on :一般不会用于人身上。例句:This city is located on the southern fringe of the desert.3.located at :通常是用于有精确的地址时。例句:Beijing is located at 40 ° N and 116 ° E.4.located to :一般是用来形容“某人”或“某工厂”或“某公司”从某地“迁移”到另外...
在英语中,"located in/on/at/to"这几个短语在描述位置时有着微妙的区别,它们各自适用于不同的场景。"Located in" 通常用于描述较大且可能没有详细信息的位置。比如,"He is located in Shanghai",这里的 "in" 表示某人或某物在上海市这个大区域内。"范围"不局限于面积,也可以是特定建筑内部...