If all else fails, you can contact the IRS directly for help recovering your EIN. Call the IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line at 800-829-4933. You will have to provide the details of your business to positively identify yourself (for example, the name and Social Security number of the own...
A tax ID number, also called an employer identification number (EIN), is a number assigned by the federal government to a registered business for identification and tax purposes. The EIN is like a Social Security number, except it's for a business and not a person. You can find out your...
Cont. Question or Location when Went Missing (Total Number of Eligible Cats) % (n) 1 The cat was indoors when it went missing (n = 403) Jumped from balcony Jumped from a window Escaped through an open door or garage Escaped while outdoors without supervision Accidental or unintentional ...