lush_caves dripstone_caves stony_peaks deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove pale_gardenStructureFeatureValuesminecraft:end_city minecraft:fortress minecraft:mineshaft minecraft:monument minecraft:stronghold minecraft:temple minecraft:village minecraft:mansion minecraft:shipwreck minecraft:buried_treasure minecraft:...
A new update is now available for Minecraft, featuring allay duplication, locate biome command capabilities, and a swath of new improvements. 新版本发布了!这个版本里,我们加入了悦灵的复制、/locate biome 还有一大堆新的改进! New Features: 新特性: Allay Duplication 悦灵复制 When an Allay hears a ...
It doesn’t matter what the front-men look like, the important part is the non-elected administration, the “Deep State” running things below the decorative surface. Rome had a fake senate/democracy for 5-centuries What about the US democracy that the whole modern world copied? Is it fake...
deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove pale_garden StructureFeature Values minecraft:end_city minecraft:fortress minecraft:mineshaft minecraft:monument minecraft:stronghold minecraft:temple minecraft:village minecraft:mansion minecraft:shipwreck minecraft:buried_treasure minecraft:ruins minecraft:pillager_outpost minecr...
deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove Structure Locate Structures Values end_cityEnd City fortressNether Fortress mineshaftMineshaft monumentOcean Monument strongholdStronghold templeCould be a swamp hut, igloo, desert pyramid temple, or jungle pyramid temple ...
deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove Structure Locate Structures Values end_cityEnd City fortressNether Fortress mineshaftMineshaft monumentOcean Monument strongholdStronghold templeCould be a swamp hut, igloo, desert pyramid temple, or jungle pyramid temple ...
deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove Structure Locate Structures Values end_cityEnd City fortressNether Fortress mineshaftMineshaft monumentOcean Monument strongholdStronghold templeCould be a swamp hut, igloo, desert pyramid temple, or jungle pyramid temple ...
deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove StructureFeature Values minecraft:end_city minecraft:fortress minecraft:mineshaft minecraft:monument minecraft:stronghold minecraft:temple minecraft:village minecraft:mansion minecraft:shipwreck minecraft:buried_treasure ...
deep_dark mangrove_swamp cherry_grove pale_garden StructureFeature Values minecraft:end_city minecraft:fortress minecraft:mineshaft minecraft:monument minecraft:stronghold minecraft:temple minecraft:village minecraft:mansion minecraft:shipwreck minecraft:buried_treasure ...
Expanded the '/locate' command into locate structure and locate biome 拓展“/locate” 命令功能以覆盖结构与群系定位功能 The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼现在有独立的刷怪蛋 Added the player's cause of death to the death screen ...