If the missing person is a biological sibling who has been out of contact with the family for a long time, our experienced investigators can quickly find the person. If the client wants to find a biological parent to reconnect, she will soon be able to meet her parent face-to-face. Ever...
- The police are working to locate the missing person.(警方正在努力寻找失踪的人。) 3.确定地点或位置:在某些情况下,"locate"可以用于确定地点或位置,特别是需要描述路线或方位的场合。例如: - Please locate the nearest exit and follow the signs.(请找到最近的出口并按照标志行走。) - I need to locat...
8. The library has a computer system to locate books on the shelves. 9. The detective was able to locate the missing person using his contacts. 10. The app allows you to locate your friends on a map. 11. We need to locate a new supplier for our raw materials. 12. The company ...
In Shanghai, a missing person notification may reach more than 1.7 million Toutiao users within a five-km radius, but in the city of Dingxi in northwest China's Gansu Province, it would only reach 120 users. However, technology does offer a better way to search for missing people as it ...
In this blog, we will discuss one important aspect of the investigation to locate a missing person. The word investigation is given emphasis because that is what the search for a missing person is…an investigation. Certainly, the acquisition of Searching and Planning data; the Subject’s name...
"Locate" seems more technical. The word "location" is often used to indicate where something is, but "locate" as a verb isn't used as much. 查看更多回答 Q:請提供關於locate的例句給我。 A:"The woman is trying tolocateher missing purse." ...
The Evansville Police Department has released a plea to the public for help locating a missing Evansville woman. Dawnita Wilkerson was last seen on June 21st and was reported missing on June 22nd, 2020. Dawnita is just 5' 3" and weighs approximately 145 pounds. She has brown eyes and dark...
find:[~+object]to locate a missing book. to establish (one's business or home) in a locality; settle:[~+object]They located their offices downtown.[no object]decided to locate in New Mexico. to assign a particular location to, as by knowledge or opinion:[~+object]Some scholars locate...
Track a Person's Location by Phone Number With LocatePhone, you can accuratelyfind someone's location by phone number, without accessing the target device! You can track the location of your kids, elderly or other family members online up to 3 meters and make sure they are always safe. Jus...
NORMANTOWN, W.Va. — Troopers with the Gilmer County detachment of the West Virginia State Police are asking for help locating a missing girl from Normantown. According to the state police, Lililth Hale, 15, ran away from her grandparents’ house on Gassaway Road in Normantown in the earl...